PCB for an infrared hat for Raspberry Pi
25'ten fazla konu seçemezsiniz Konular bir harf veya rakamla başlamalı, kısa çizgiler ('-') içerebilir ve en fazla 35 karakter uzunluğunda olabilir.

IRLID.sch 4.4KB

2 yıl önce
  1. EESchema Schematic File Version 4
  2. EELAYER 30 0
  4. $Descr A4 11693 8268
  5. encoding utf-8
  6. Sheet 1 1
  7. Title ""
  8. Date "15 nov 2012"
  9. Rev ""
  10. Comp ""
  11. Comment1 ""
  12. Comment2 ""
  13. Comment3 ""
  14. Comment4 ""
  15. $EndDescr
  16. $Comp
  17. L power:GND #PWR03
  18. U 1 1 580C1E01
  19. P 5700 4700
  20. F 0 "#PWR03" H 5700 4450 50 0001 C CNN
  21. F 1 "GND" H 5700 4550 50 0000 C CNN
  22. F 2 "" H 5700 4700 50 0000 C CNN
  23. F 3 "" H 5700 4700 50 0000 C CNN
  24. 1 5700 4700
  25. 1 0 0 -1
  26. $EndComp
  27. Wire Wire Line
  28. 5700 4550 5800 4550
  29. Connection ~ 5700 4550
  30. Connection ~ 5600 2650
  31. Wire Wire Line
  32. 5600 2650 5800 2650
  33. Wire Wire Line
  34. 5600 2500 5600 2650
  35. $Comp
  36. L power:+3.3V #PWR04
  37. U 1 1 580C1BC1
  38. P 5600 2500
  39. F 0 "#PWR04" H 5600 2350 50 0001 C CNN
  40. F 1 "+3.3V" H 5600 2640 50 0000 C CNN
  41. F 2 "" H 5600 2500 50 0000 C CNN
  42. F 3 "" H 5600 2500 50 0000 C CNN
  43. 1 5600 2500
  44. 1 0 0 -1
  45. $EndComp
  46. Text Label 4650 3150 0 50 ~ 0
  47. GPIO17(GEN0)
  48. Text Notes 650 7600 0 50 ~ 0
  49. ID_SD and ID_SC PINS:\nThese pins are reserved for HAT ID EEPROM.\n\nAt boot time this I2C interface will be\ninterrogated to look for an EEPROM\nthat identifes the attached board and\nallows automagic setup of the GPIOs\n(and optionally, Linux drivers).\n\nDO NOT USE these pins for anything other\nthan attaching an I2C ID EEPROM. Leave\nunconnected if ID EEPROM not required.
  50. $Comp
  51. L Round2-rescue:Mounting_Hole-Mechanical MK1
  52. U 1 1 5834FB2E
  53. P 3000 7200
  54. F 0 "MK1" H 3100 7246 50 0000 L CNN
  55. F 1 "M2.5" H 3100 7155 50 0000 L CNN
  56. F 2 "MountingHole:MountingHole_2.7mm_M2.5" H 3000 7200 60 0001 C CNN
  57. F 3 "" H 3000 7200 60 0001 C CNN
  58. 1 3000 7200
  59. 1 0 0 -1
  60. $EndComp
  61. $Comp
  62. L Round2-rescue:Mounting_Hole-Mechanical MK3
  63. U 1 1 5834FBEF
  64. P 3450 7200
  65. F 0 "MK3" H 3550 7246 50 0000 L CNN
  66. F 1 "M2.5" H 3550 7155 50 0000 L CNN
  67. F 2 "MountingHole:MountingHole_2.7mm_M2.5" H 3450 7200 60 0001 C CNN
  68. F 3 "" H 3450 7200 60 0001 C CNN
  69. 1 3450 7200
  70. 1 0 0 -1
  71. $EndComp
  72. $Comp
  73. L Round2-rescue:Mounting_Hole-Mechanical MK2
  74. U 1 1 5834FC19
  75. P 3000 7400
  76. F 0 "MK2" H 3100 7446 50 0000 L CNN
  77. F 1 "M2.5" H 3100 7355 50 0000 L CNN
  78. F 2 "MountingHole:MountingHole_2.7mm_M2.5" H 3000 7400 60 0001 C CNN
  79. F 3 "" H 3000 7400 60 0001 C CNN
  80. 1 3000 7400
  81. 1 0 0 -1
  82. $EndComp
  83. $Comp
  84. L Round2-rescue:Mounting_Hole-Mechanical MK4
  85. U 1 1 5834FC4F
  86. P 3450 7400
  87. F 0 "MK4" H 3550 7446 50 0000 L CNN
  88. F 1 "M2.5" H 3550 7355 50 0000 L CNN
  89. F 2 "MountingHole:MountingHole_2.7mm_M2.5" H 3450 7400 60 0001 C CNN
  90. F 3 "" H 3450 7400 60 0001 C CNN
  91. 1 3450 7400
  92. 1 0 0 -1
  93. $EndComp
  94. Text Notes 3000 7050 0 50 ~ 0
  95. Mounting Holes
  96. $Comp
  97. L Connector_Generic:Conn_02x20_Odd_Even P1
  98. U 1 1 59AD464A
  99. P 6000 3550
  100. F 0 "P1" H 6050 4667 50 0000 C CNN
  101. F 1 "Conn_02x20_Odd_Even" H 6050 4576 50 0000 C CNN
  102. F 2 "Connector_PinSocket_2.54mm:PinSocket_2x20_P2.54mm_Vertical" H 1150 2600 50 0001 C CNN
  103. F 3 "" H 1150 2600 50 0001 C CNN
  104. 1 6000 3550
  105. 1 0 0 -1
  106. $EndComp
  107. Wire Wire Line
  108. 5700 4550 5700 4700
  109. $Comp
  110. L Transistor_BJT:PN2222A Q1
  111. U 1 1 60059F45
  112. P 3500 3150
  113. F 0 "Q1" H 3690 3196 50 0000 L CNN
  114. F 1 "PN2222A" H 3690 3105 50 0000 L CNN
  115. F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_THT:TO-92_Inline_Wide" H 3700 3075 50 0001 L CIN
  116. F 3 "https://www.onsemi.com/pub/Collateral/PN2222-D.PDF" H 3500 3150 50 0001 L CNN
  117. 1 3500 3150
  118. -1 0 0 -1
  119. $EndComp
  120. Wire Wire Line
  121. 3400 3350 3400 4550
  122. Wire Wire Line
  123. 4400 3150 5800 3150
  124. $Comp
  125. L Device:R R1
  126. U 1 1 6008B29F
  127. P 4250 3150
  128. F 0 "R1" V 4043 3150 50 0000 C CNN
  129. F 1 "10K" V 4134 3150 50 0000 C CNN
  130. F 2 "Resistor_THT:R_Axial_DIN0207_L6.3mm_D2.5mm_P10.16mm_Horizontal" V 4180 3150 50 0001 C CNN
  131. F 3 "~" H 4250 3150 50 0001 C CNN
  132. 1 4250 3150
  133. 0 1 1 0
  134. $EndComp
  135. Wire Wire Line
  136. 3700 3150 4100 3150
  137. $Comp
  138. L LED:CQY99 D1
  139. U 1 1 6008EEA3
  140. P 3900 2650
  141. F 0 "D1" H 3850 2940 50 0000 C CNN
  142. F 1 "CQY99" H 3850 2849 50 0000 C CNN
  143. F 2 "LED_THT:LED_D5.0mm_IRGrey" H 3900 2825 50 0001 C CNN
  144. F 3 "https://www.prtice.info/IMG/pdf/CQY99.pdf" H 3850 2650 50 0001 C CNN
  145. 1 3900 2650
  146. 1 0 0 -1
  147. $EndComp
  148. Wire Wire Line
  149. 4100 2650 4000 2650
  150. Wire Wire Line
  151. 3700 2650 3400 2650
  152. Wire Wire Line
  153. 5600 2650 4400 2650
  154. Wire Wire Line
  155. 3400 2650 3400 2950
  156. $Comp
  157. L LED:CQY99 D2
  158. U 1 1 6008F502
  159. P 4300 2650
  160. F 0 "D2" H 4250 2940 50 0000 C CNN
  161. F 1 "CQY99" H 4250 2849 50 0000 C CNN
  162. F 2 "LED_THT:LED_D5.0mm_IRGrey" H 4300 2825 50 0001 C CNN
  163. F 3 "https://www.prtice.info/IMG/pdf/CQY99.pdf" H 4250 2650 50 0001 C CNN
  164. 1 4300 2650
  165. 1 0 0 -1
  166. $EndComp
  167. Wire Wire Line
  168. 3400 4550 5700 4550
  169. $EndSCHEMATC