Anders and Briegel in Python
Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner plus de 25 sujets Les noms de sujets doivent commencer par une lettre ou un nombre, peuvent contenir des tirets ('-') et peuvent comporter jusqu'à 35 caractères. 1.9KB

il y a 5 ans
il y a 5 ans
  1. """
  2. Implements a simple Stabilizer object.
  3. """
  4. from __future__ import absolute_import
  5. import itertools as it
  6. from abp import clifford
  7. from six.moves import map
  8. I = clifford.identity
  9. X = clifford.px
  10. Z = clifford.pz
  11. class Stabilizer(object):
  12. def __init__(self, g):
  13. """ Construct a Stabilizer from a Graphstate """
  14. self.tableau = {i:{j: I for j in g.node} for i in g.node}
  15. self.phases = {i: 1 for i in g.node}
  16. for a, b in it.product(g.node, g.node):
  17. if a == b:
  18. self.tableau[a][b] = X
  19. elif a in g.adj[b]:
  20. self.tableau[a][b] = Z
  21. self.conjugate(a, b, g.node[b]["vop"])
  22. def conjugate(self, a, b, vop):
  23. """ Do a little conjugation """
  24. op, phase = clifford.conjugate(self.tableau[a][b], vop)
  25. self.tableau[a][b] = op
  26. self.phases[a] *= phase
  27. def to_dictionary(self):
  28. """ For comparison with old A&B code """
  29. m = {1: 0, 1j:1, -1: 2, -1j: 3}
  30. return {"paulis": self.tableau,
  31. "phases": {key: m[value] for key, value in list(self.phases.items())}}
  32. def __getitem__(self, xxx_todo_changeme):
  33. """" Pass straight through to the dictionary """
  34. (i, j) = xxx_todo_changeme
  35. return self.tableau[i][j]
  36. def __str__(self):
  37. """ Represent as a string """
  38. keys = list(map(str, list(self.tableau.keys())))
  39. w = max(len(k) for k in keys)
  40. keys = [k.ljust(w) for k in keys]
  41. s = " {}\n".format(" ".join(map(str, keys)))
  42. s += " " + "-"*len(keys)*(w+2) + "\n"
  43. for i in sorted(self.phases):
  44. sign = self.phases[i]
  45. sign = {1: " ", -1: " -", 1j: " i", -1j: "-i"}[sign]
  46. row = (self.tableau[i][j] for j in sorted(self.phases))
  47. row = (" XYZ"[i].ljust(w) for i in row)
  48. row = " ".join(row)
  49. s += "{} {}\n".format(sign, row)
  50. return s