- s = Server.local;
- s.waitForBoot {
- var module, sound1, sound2;
- // Connect to OSC
- thisProcess.openUDPPort(5005);
- n = NetAddr.new("", 5005);
- o = OSCFunc({ arg msg, time, addr, recvPort; [msg, time, addr, recvPort].postln; }, '/radio', n);
- OSCFunc.trace(true);
- // Create the synth definition and load it
- module = SynthDef.new("module", { arg hue, saturation, value;
- Out.ar(0, SinOsc.ar(hue));
- });
- module.load(s);
- // Make a sound
- sound1 = Synth.new("module", [\hue, 440, \saturation, 100, \value, 500]);
- sound2 = Synth.new("module", [\hue, 800, \saturation, 100, \value, 500]);
- };