Always-on computer music
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28 lines

  1. SinOsc o1 => Gain m => dac;
  2. SinOsc o2 => m;
  3. SinOsc o3 => m;
  4. 0.1 => m.gain;
  5. 500 => o1.freq;
  6. 800 => o2.freq;
  7. 900 => o3.freq;
  8. OscRecv orec;
  9. 5005 => orec.port;
  10. orec.listen();
  11. orec.event("block/update") @=> OscEvent update;
  12. while (true) {
  13. update => now;
  14. <<< "got data" >>>;
  15. //update.getInt() => int i;
  16. //update.getInt() => int h;
  17. //update.getInt() => int s;
  18. //update.getInt() => int v;
  19. //<<< i >>>;
  20. //<<< h >>>;
  21. //<<< s >>>;
  22. //<<< v >>>;
  23. }