- import math
- import time
- import itertools as it
- import cv2
- import colorsys
- from pythonosc import udp_client
- import numpy as np
- RED = [0, 0, 255]
- N_COLORS = 3
- def draw_rectangle(frame, sp, ep):
- """ Draw a rectangle on the frame """
- return cv2.rectangle(frame, sp, ep, RED, 1)
- def analyze_block(frame, osc, index, sp, ep, send=False):
- """ Analyze a block """
- block = frame[sp[1]:ep[1], sp[0]:ep[0], 0:3]
- average_color = np.average(block, (0, 1)) / 255
- h, s, v = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(*average_color)
- # Configure the oscillator
- if send:
- print("Sending message", h, s, v)
- osc.send_message(
- "/radio",
- [int(index), float(h),
- float(s), float(v), .5])
- # Draw a blob of the average color
- sp2 = tuple(int(x) for x in (2 * np.array(sp) + np.array(ep)) / 3)
- ep2 = tuple(int(x) for x in (np.array(sp) + 2 * np.array(ep)) / 3)
- frame = cv2.rectangle(frame, sp2, ep2,
- [int(x * 255) for x in average_color], -1)
- # Draw the image
- for thickness, color in ((3, (0, 0, 0)), (1, (255, 255, 255))):
- frame = cv2.putText(frame,
- text=f"{h:.2f} {s:.2f} {v:.2f}",
- org=(sp[0] + 10, sp[1] + 20),
- fontScale=.5,
- color=color,
- fontFace=2,
- thickness=thickness)
- return frame
- def analyze(frame, osc):
- """ Analyze the full frame """
- height, width, d = frame.shape
- m = math.ceil(n * (height / width))
- dx = width / n
- dy = height / m
- send = False
- if time.time() - LAST_MESSAGE_TIME > 0.1:
- LAST_MESSAGE_TIME = time.time()
- for index, (y, x) in enumerate(it.product(range(m), range(n))):
- sp = (int(x * dx), int(y * dy))
- ep = (int(x * dx + dx), int(y * dy + dy))
- frame = draw_rectangle(frame, sp, ep)
- frame = analyze_block(frame, osc, index, sp, ep, True)
- return frame
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- # camera = cv2.VideoCapture("/dev/video2")
- camera = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
- osc = udp_client.SimpleUDPClient("", 5005)
- while True:
- ret, frame = camera.read()
- frame = analyze(frame, osc)
- cv2.imshow('Input', frame)
- c = cv2.waitKey(1)
- if c == 27:
- break
- camera.release()
- cv2.destroyAllWindows()