// SVNVimStart s = Server.local; s.waitForBoot { var module, msg, modules; // Connect to OSC thisProcess.openUDPPort(5005); n = NetAddr.new("", 5005); o = OSCFunc({ arg msg, time, addr, recvPort; [msg, time, addr, recvPort].postln; }, '/radio', n); // Create the synth definition and load it module = SynthDef.new(\module, { arg hue, saturation, value, pan, gain, octave; var oscillator, noise, filter, panner, mixer, frequency, qfactor, noise_level, osc_level, lagtime, output, dust; // Dynamic time of the module lagtime = 100 / (2**octave); // Oscillator/filter frequency frequency = 130 + (hue * 130) * (2 ** octave); frequency = Lag.kr(frequency, lagtime); // Filtered saw oscillator oscillator = SawDPW.ar(frequency); filter = DFM1.ar(oscillator, frequency*0.8, 0.8, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0006); // Apply pan panner = LinPan2.ar(filter, pan); // Apply dynamics output = panner * Lag.kr(HPF.kr(value, hue / (lagtime)), lagtime*4); //output = panner * BPF.kr(value, 1 / lagtime, 100); // Compress output = Compander.ar(output, output, 0.5, 0.3, 0.3, 0.1, lagtime); // Crank everything down output = output * 0.1; Out.ar(0, output); }); module.load(s); s.sync; // Create multiple sound generators modules = Array.fill(12, { arg index; var pan, octave; pan = 0 - ((index % 4) - 1.5)/1.5; octave = (2 - (index / 4).floor); "Module %: Pan %, octave %\n".postf(index, pan.round(1e-1), octave.round(1e-1)); Synth.new(\module, [\hue, 0.5, \saturation, 0.1, \value, 0.5, \pan, pan, \gain, 0.9, \octave, octave] ) } ); // Hook up OSC f = { |msg, time, addr| if(msg[0] == '/radio') { if(msg[1]