import os, sys import numpy as np import time from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from permanent import permanent import itertools as it def permanent(a): """ Slow way to compute the permanent """ r = range(len(a)) return sum([[r, p]) for p in it.permutations(r)]) if __name__ == '__main__': maxtime=1 dimensions=range(1,11) for (function, label) in zip((permanent, perm_ryser), ("C", "Python")): counts=[] for dimension in dimensions: print dimension real=np.random.uniform(-1, 1, dimension*dimension).reshape((dimension, dimension)) imag=np.random.uniform(-1, 1, dimension*dimension).reshape((dimension, dimension)) submatrix=real+1j*imag t=time.clock() n=0 while time.clock()-t < maxtime: for i in range(5): function(submatrix) n+=5 counts.append(n) plt.plot(dimensions, counts, ".-", label=label) plt.ylabel("Number of permanents per second") plt.xlabel("Dimension") plt.xlim(min(dimensions), max(dimensions)) plt.legend() plt.semilogy() plt.savefig("out.pdf")