Python C extension to compute the permanent.
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npy_util.h 1.3KB

il y a 10 ans
  1. // Array access macros.
  2. #define SM(x0, x1) (*(npy_complex128*)((PyArray_DATA(submatrix) + \
  3. (x0) * PyArray_STRIDES(submatrix)[0] + \
  4. (x1) * PyArray_STRIDES(submatrix)[1])))
  5. #define SM_shape(x0) (int) PyArray_DIM(submatrix, x0)
  6. // Complex numbers
  7. static const npy_complex128 complex_one = {.real=1, .imag=0};
  8. static const npy_complex128 complex_zero = {.real=0, .imag=0};
  9. // Add two numbers
  10. npy_complex128 complex_add(npy_complex128 a, npy_complex128 b) {
  11. npy_complex128 x;
  12. x.real = a.real+b.real;
  13. x.imag = a.imag+b.real;
  14. return x;
  15. }
  16. // Product of two numbers
  17. npy_complex128 complex_prod(npy_complex128 a, npy_complex128 b) {
  18. npy_complex128 x;
  19. x.real = a.real*b.real - a.imag*b.imag;
  20. x.imag = a.imag*b.real + a.real*b.imag;
  21. return x;
  22. }
  23. // Product of complex and float
  24. npy_complex128 complex_float_prod(npy_complex128 a, float b) {
  25. npy_complex128 x;
  26. x.real = a.real*b;
  27. x.imag = a.imag*b;
  28. return x;
  29. }
  30. // Increment a number
  31. void complex_inc(npy_complex128 *a, npy_complex128 b) {
  32. a->real += b.real;
  33. a->imag += b.imag;
  34. }
  35. // Multipy a number by another one
  36. void complex_multiply(npy_complex128 *a, npy_complex128 b) {
  37. double c = a->real;
  38. a->real = a->real*b.real-a->imag*b.imag;
  39. a->imag = c*b.imag+a->imag*b.real;
  40. }