// TODO: turn off adcThru when recording // TODO: Effects break panning for some unknown reason // TODO: currently I don't turn ADC thru back on after recording // Effects chain with limiters, reverb, filters NRev reverb => LPF lpf => HPF hpf => Dyno outputLimiter => dac; outputLimiter.limit(); reverb @=> UGen @ outputWet; // Reference to wet output outputLimiter @=> UGen @ outputDry; // Reference to dry output outputLimiter @=> UGen @ mainOutput; // Reference to main output // Capture mic/line in and monitor through DAC. Limit adc => Dyno inputLimiter => Gain adcThru => mainOutput; // Monitor input inputLimiter.limit(); inputLimiter @=> UGen @ mainInput; // Default parameters .5 => adcThru.gain; 10000 => lpf.freq; 10 => hpf.freq; 1::second => dur loopTime; // Plug in the pedals LoopPedal pedals[4]; for( 0 => int i; i < pedals.cap(); i++ ) { pedals[i].recordFrom(mainInput); pedals[i].outputTo(outputWet, outputDry); } // Start listening to OSC messages OscIn oin; 9000 => oin.port; oin.listenAll(); OscMsg msg; // Event loop while (true) { oin => now; while (oin.recv(msg)) { if (msg.address=="/input") { msg.getFloat(0) => adc.gain; msg.getFloat(1) => adcThru.gain; } else if(msg.address=="/delay") { msg.getFloat(0)::second => loopTime; msg.getFloat(1) => float feedback; for( 0 => int i; i < pedals.cap(); i++ ) { //pedals[i].setLoopPoint(loopTime + (i*.1)::second); pedals[i].setLoopPoint(loopTime); pedals[i].setFeedback(feedback); } } else if(msg.address=="/channel") { msg.getInt(0) => int i; pedals[i].setGain(msg.getFloat(1)); pedals[i].setPan(msg.getFloat(2)); pedals[i].setWet(msg.getFloat(3)); } else if(msg.address=="/arm") { msg.getInt(0) => int channel; for( 0 => int i; i < pedals.cap(); i++ ) { pedals[i].arm(i==channel); } } else if(msg.address=="/metronome") { //msg.getInt(0) => metronomeLevel; } else if(msg.address=="/clear") { msg.getInt(0) => int channel; pedals[channel].clear(); } else if(msg.address=="/fx") { (100+msg.getFloat(0)*10000) => lpf.freq; (100+msg.getFloat(1)*10000) => hpf.freq; msg.getFloat(2) => reverb.mix; } else if(msg.address=="/master") { msg.getFloat(0) => mainOutput.gain; } } } public class LoopPedal { // We are wrapping a live sampler, LiSa LiSa sample; sample => Gain wet; sample => Gain dry; // Setup 10::second => sample.duration; // Allocate max 10 secs of memory 0::second => sample.recPos => sample.playPos; 1.0 => sample.feedback; 1 => sample.loop; setLoopPoint(1::second); setWet(0.5); public void setLoopPoint( dur length ) { length => sample.loopEnd => sample.loopEndRec; } public void setFeedback( float fb ) { fb => sample.feedback; } public void setGain( float gain ) { gain => sample.gain; } public void setPan( float pan ) { } //pan => panner.pan; } public void setWet( float ratio ) { ratio => wet.gain; 1-ratio => dry.gain;} public void clear() { sample.clear(); } public void recordFrom(UGen ugen) { ugen => sample; } public void outputTo(UGen wetSink, UGen drySink) { 1 => sample.play; wet => wetSink; dry => drySink; } public void arm(int value) { 0 => adcThru.gain; sample.playPos() => sample.recPos; value => sample.record; } } /* // Start the metronome and the vu meter (optional) //0 => int metronomeLevel; //spork ~plip(); //spork ~vu_meter(); // TODO timing here should be done using events fun void metronome() { SinOsc s => dac; 0.01::second => dur plipTime; while(true){ for( 0 => int i; i < 4; i++ ) { if (i==0){2000 => s.freq;} else {1000 => s.freq;} .1*metronomeLevel => s.gain; plipTime => now; 0 => s.gain; loopTime/4 - plipTime => now; } } } */