- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- This program generates and caches lookup tables, and handles the Clifford group.
- It provides tables for Clifford group multiplication and conjugation,
- as well as CZ and decompositions of the 2x2 Cliffords.
- """
- from tables import *
- def conjugate(operator, unitary):
- """ Returns transform * vop * transform^dagger and a phase in {+1, -1} """
- return measurement_table[operator, unitary]
- def use_old_cz():
- """ Use the CZ table from A&B's code """
- global cz_table
- from anders_cz import cz_table
- def get_name(i):
- """ Get the name of this clifford """
- return "IXYZ"[i & 0x03] + "ABCDEF"[i / 4]
- def human_name(i):
- """ Get the human-readable name of this clifford - slow """
- choices = sorted((key for key, value in by_name.items() if value == i), key=len)
- return choices[-1]
- def is_diagonal(v):
- """ TODO: remove this. Checks if a VOP is diagonal or not """
- return v in {0, 3, 5, 6}