Anders and Briegel in Python
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231 行

  1. """
  2. Provides an extremely basic graph structure, based on neighbour lists
  3. """
  4. import itertools as it
  5. import clifford
  6. import json
  7. import qi
  8. try:
  9. import networkx as nx
  10. except ImportError:
  11. print "Could not import networkx."
  12. class GraphState():
  13. def __init__(self, nodes=[]):
  14. self.ngbh, self.vops, self.meta = {}, {}, {}
  15. self.add_nodes(nodes)
  16. def add_node(self, v, meta={}):
  17. """ Add a node """
  18. self.ngbh[v] = set()
  19. self.vops[v] = clifford.by_name["hadamard"]
  20. self.meta[v] = meta
  21. def add_nodes(self, nodes):
  22. """ Add a buncha nodes """
  23. for n in nodes:
  24. self.add_node(n)
  25. def add_edge(self, v1, v2):
  26. """ Add an edge between two vertices in the self """
  27. assert v1 != v2
  28. self.ngbh[v1].add(v2)
  29. self.ngbh[v2].add(v1)
  30. def add_edges(self, edges):
  31. """ Add a buncha edges """
  32. for (v1, v2) in edges:
  33. self.add_edge(v1, v2)
  34. def del_edge(self, v1, v2):
  35. """ Delete an edge between two vertices in the self """
  36. self.ngbh[v1].remove(v2)
  37. self.ngbh[v2].remove(v1)
  38. def has_edge(self, v1, v2):
  39. """ Test existence of an edge between two vertices in the self """
  40. return v2 in self.ngbh[v1]
  41. def toggle_edge(self, v1, v2):
  42. """ Toggle an edge between two vertices in the self """
  43. if self.has_edge(v1, v2):
  44. self.del_edge(v1, v2)
  45. else:
  46. self.add_edge(v1, v2)
  47. def edgelist(self):
  48. """ Describe a graph as an edgelist """
  49. edges = set(tuple(sorted((i, n)))
  50. for i, v in self.ngbh.items()
  51. for n in v)
  52. return tuple(edges)
  53. def remove_vop(self, a, avoid):
  54. """ Reduces VOP[a] to the identity """
  55. others = self.ngbh[a] - {avoid}
  56. swap_qubit = others.pop() if others else avoid
  57. for v in reversed(clifford.decompositions[self.vops[a]]):
  58. self.local_complementation(a if v == "x" else swap_qubit)
  59. def local_complementation(self, v):
  60. """ As defined in LISTING 1 of Anders & Briegel """
  61. for i, j in it.combinations(self.ngbh[v], 2):
  62. self.toggle_edge(i, j)
  63. msqx_h = clifford.conjugation_table[clifford.by_name["msqx"]]
  64. sqz_h = clifford.conjugation_table[clifford.by_name["sqz"]]
  65. self.vops[v] = clifford.times_table[self.vops[v], msqx_h]
  66. for i in self.ngbh[v]:
  67. self.vops[i] = clifford.times_table[self.vops[i], sqz_h]
  68. def act_local_rotation(self, v, op):
  69. """ Act a local rotation """
  70. rotation = clifford.by_name[str(op)]
  71. self.vops[v] = clifford.times_table[rotation, self.vops[v]]
  72. def act_hadamard(self, qubit):
  73. """ Shorthand """
  74. self.act_local_rotation(qubit, 10)
  75. def act_cz(self, a, b):
  76. """ Act a controlled-phase gate on two qubits """
  77. if self.ngbh[a] - {b}:
  78. self.remove_vop(a, b)
  79. if self.ngbh[b] - {a}:
  80. self.remove_vop(b, a)
  81. if self.ngbh[a] - {b}:
  82. self.remove_vop(a, b)
  83. edge = self.has_edge(a, b)
  84. new_edge, self.vops[a], self.vops[
  85. b] = clifford.cz_table[edge, self.vops[a], self.vops[b]]
  86. if new_edge != edge:
  87. self.toggle_edge(a, b)
  88. def measure_z(self, node, force=None):
  89. """ Measure the graph in the Z-basis """
  90. res = force if force else np.random.choice([0, 1])
  91. # Disconnect
  92. for neighbour in self.ngbh[node]:
  93. self.del_edge(node, neighbour)
  94. if res:
  95. self.act_local_rotation(neighbour, "pz")
  96. # Rotate
  97. if res:
  98. self.act_local_rotation(node, "px")
  99. self.act_local_rotation(node, "hadamard")
  100. else:
  101. self.act_local_rotation(node, "hadamard")
  102. return res
  103. def measure_x(self, i):
  104. """ Measure the graph in the X-basis """
  105. # TODO
  106. pass
  107. def measure_y(self, i):
  108. """ Measure the graph in the Y-basis """
  109. # TODO
  110. pass
  111. def order(self):
  112. """ Get the number of qubits """
  113. return len(self.vops)
  114. def __str__(self):
  115. """ Represent as a string for quick debugging """
  116. vopstr = {key: clifford.get_name(value)
  117. for key, value in self.vops.items()}
  118. nbstr = str(self.ngbh)
  119. return "graph:\n vops: {}\n ngbh: {}\n".format(vopstr, nbstr)
  120. def to_json(self):
  121. """ Convert the graph to JSON form """
  122. meta = {key: value for key, value in self.meta.items()}
  123. edge = self.edgelist()
  124. return {"nodes": self.vops, "edges": edge, "meta": meta}
  125. def from_json(self, data):
  126. """ Reconstruct from JSON """
  127. self.__init__([])
  128. self.vops = {int(key): value for key, value in data["nodes"].items()}
  129. self.meta = {int(key): value for key, value in data["meta"].items()}
  130. self.ngbh = {int(key): set() for key in self.vops}
  131. self.add_edges(data["edges"])
  132. def to_networkx(self):
  133. """ Convert the graph to a networkx graph """
  134. g = nx.Graph()
  135. g.edge = {node: {neighbour: {} for neighbour in neighbours}
  136. for node, neighbours in self.ngbh.items()}
  137. g.node = {node: {"vop": vop} for node, vop in self.vops.items()}
  138. for node, metadata in self.meta.items():
  139. g.node[node].update(metadata)
  140. return g
  141. def to_state_vector(self):
  142. """ Get the full state vector """
  143. if len(self.vops) > 15:
  144. raise ValueError("Cannot build state vector: too many qubits")
  145. state = qi.CircuitModel(len(self.vops))
  146. for i in range(len(self.vops)):
  147. state.act_hadamard(i)
  148. for i, j in self.edgelist():
  149. state.act_cz(i, j)
  150. for i, u in self.vops.items():
  151. state.act_local_rotation(i, clifford.unitaries[u])
  152. return state
  153. def layout(self):
  154. """ Automatically lay out the graph """
  155. if self.order() == 0:
  156. return
  157. g = self.to_networkx()
  158. pos = nx.spring_layout(g, dim=3, scale=10)
  159. average = lambda axis: sum(p[axis]
  160. for p in pos.values()) / float(len(pos))
  161. ax, ay, az = average(0), average(1), average(2)
  162. for key, (x, y, z) in pos.items():
  163. self.meta[key]["pos"] = {
  164. "x": x - ax,
  165. "y": y - ay,
  166. "z": z - az}
  167. def to_stabilizer(self):
  168. """ Get the stabilizer of this graph """
  169. # TODO: VOPs are not implemented yet
  170. output = ""
  171. for a in self.ngbh:
  172. for b in self.ngbh:
  173. if a == b:
  174. output += " X "
  175. elif a in self.ngbh[b]:
  176. output += " Z "
  177. else:
  178. output += " I "
  179. output += "\n"
  180. return output
  181. def adj_list(self):
  182. """ For comparison with Anders and Briegel's C++ implementation """
  183. rows = []
  184. for key, vop in self.vops.items():
  185. ngbh = " ".join(map(str, sorted(self.ngbh[key])))
  186. vop = clifford.get_name(vop)
  187. s = "Vertex {}: VOp {}, neighbors {}".format(key, vop, ngbh)
  188. rows.append(s)
  189. return " \n".join(rows) + " \n"
  190. def __eq__(self, other):
  191. """ Check equality between graphs """
  192. return self.ngbh == other.ngbh and self.vops == other.vops