import time, atexit, json import networkx import numpy as np import websocket from socket import error as socket_error import graphstate import util class GraphState(graphstate.GraphState, networkx.Graph): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): graphstate.GraphState.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.connect_to_server() def connect_to_server(self, uri = "ws://localhost:5000"): """ Attempt to connect to the websocket server """ try: = websocket.create_connection(uri) atexit.register(self.shutdown) except socket_error: = None def shutdown(self): """ Close the connection to the websocket """ self.update() def update(self, delay = 0.5): """ Call this function when you are ready to send data to the browser """ if not return # Automatically perform layout if position is not provided if not all(("position" in node) for node in self.node.values()): self.layout() # Send data to browser and rate-limit time.sleep(delay) def layout(self, dim=3): """ Automatically lay out the graph """ pos = networkx.spring_layout(self, dim, scale=np.sqrt(self.order())) middle = np.average(pos.values(), axis=0) pos = {key: value - middle for key, value in pos.items()} for key, (x, y, z) in pos.items(): self.node[key]["position"] =, y, z)