#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This program generates lookup tables """ import os, json from functools import reduce import itertools as it import qi import numpy as np import tempfile from tqdm import tqdm import os, sys, json, string decompositions = ("xxxx", "xx", "zzxx", "zz", "zxx", "z", "zzz", "xxz", "xzx", "xzxxx", "xzzzx", "xxxzx", "xzz", "zzx", "xxx", "x", "zzzx", "xxzx", "zx", "zxxx", "xxxz", "xzzz", "xz", "xzxx") def get_name(i): """ Get the human-readable name of this clifford """ return "IXYZ"[i & 0x03] + "ABCDEF"[i / 4] def find_clifford(needle, haystack): """ Find the index of a given u within a list of unitaries, up to a global phase """ needle = normalize_global_phase(needle) for i, t in enumerate(haystack): if np.allclose(t, needle): return i raise IndexError def normalize_global_phase(m): """ Normalize the global phase of a matrix """ v = (x for x in m.flatten() if np.abs(x) > 0.001).next() phase = np.arctan2(v.imag, v.real) % np.pi rot = np.exp(-1j * phase) return rot * m if rot * v > 0 else -rot * m def find_cz(bond, c1, c2, commuters, state_table, ab_cz_table): """ Find the output of a CZ operation """ # Figure out the target state target = qi.cz.dot(state_table[bond, c1, c2]) target = normalize_global_phase(target) # Choose the sets to search over s1 = commuters if c1 in commuters else xrange(24) s2 = commuters if c2 in commuters else xrange(24) # Find a match #options = set() # TODO: remove and put in a test for bondp, c1p, c2p in it.product([0, 1], s1, s2): if np.allclose(target, state_table[bondp, c1p, c2p]): return bondp, c1p, c2p #options.add((bondp, c1p, c2p)) #TODO fix this bull shit #assert tuple(ab_cz_table[bond, c1, c2]) in options #return ab_cz_table[bond, c1, c2] # Didn't find anything - this should never happen raise IndexError def compose_u(decomposition): """ Get the unitary representation of a particular decomposition """ matrices = ({"x": qi.sqx, "z": qi.msqz}[c] for c in decomposition) output = reduce(np.dot, matrices, np.eye(2, dtype=complex)) return normalize_global_phase(output) def get_unitaries(): """ The Clifford group """ return [compose_u(d) for d in decompositions] def get_by_name(unitaries): """ Get a lookup table of cliffords by name """ return {name: find_clifford(u, unitaries) for name, u in qi.by_name.items()} def get_conjugation_table(unitaries): """ Construct the conjugation table """ return np.array([find_clifford(qi.hermitian_conjugate(u), unitaries) for u in unitaries], dtype=int) def get_times_table(unitaries): """ Construct the times-table """ return np.array([[find_clifford(u.dot(v), unitaries) for v in unitaries] for u in tqdm(unitaries, desc="Building times-table")], dtype=int) def get_state_table(unitaries): """ Cache a table of state to speed up a little bit """ state_table = np.zeros((2, 24, 24, 4), dtype=complex) params = list(it.product([0, 1], range(24), range(24))) for bond, i, j in tqdm(params, desc="Building state table"): state = qi.bond if bond else qi.nobond kp = np.kron(unitaries[i], unitaries[j]) state_table[bond, i, j, :] = normalize_global_phase( np.dot(kp, state).T) return state_table def get_commuters(unitaries): """ Get the indeces of gates which commute with CZ """ commuters = (qi.id, qi.pz, qi.ph, qi.hermitian_conjugate(qi.ph)) return [find_clifford(u, unitaries) for u in commuters] def get_cz_table(unitaries): """ Compute the lookup table for the CZ (A&B eq. 9) """ # Get a cached state table and a list of gates which commute with CZ commuters = get_commuters(unitaries) state_table = get_state_table(unitaries) ab_cz_table = get_ab_cz_table() # And now build the CZ table cz_table = np.zeros((2, 24, 24, 3), dtype=int) rows = list( it.product([0, 1], it.combinations_with_replacement(range(24), 2))) # CZ is symmetric so we only need combinations for bond, (c1, c2) in tqdm(rows, desc="Building CZ table"): newbond, c1p, c2p = find_cz( bond, c1, c2, commuters, state_table, ab_cz_table) cz_table[bond, c1, c2] = [newbond, c1p, c2p] cz_table[bond, c2, c1] = [newbond, c2p, c1p] return cz_table def get_ab_cz_table(): """ Load anders and briegel's CZ table """ filename = "anders_briegel/cphase.tbl" filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.path[0]), filename) with open(filename) as f: s = f.read().translate(string.maketrans("{}", "[]")) return np.array(json.loads(s)) # First try to load tables from cache. If that fails, build them from # scratch and store os.chdir(tempfile.gettempdir()) try: if __name__=="__main__": raise IOError unitaries = np.load("unitaries.npy") conjugation_table = np.load("conjugation_table.npy") times_table = np.load("times_table.npy") # cz_table = np.load("cz_table.npy") cz_table = get_ab_cz_table() with open("by_name.json") as f: by_name = json.load(f) print "Loaded tables from cache" except IOError: # Spend time building the tables unitaries = get_unitaries() by_name = get_by_name(unitaries) conjugation_table = get_conjugation_table(unitaries) times_table = get_times_table(unitaries) cz_table = get_cz_table(unitaries) # Write it all to disk np.save("unitaries.npy", unitaries) np.save("conjugation_table.npy", conjugation_table) np.save("times_table.npy", times_table) np.save("cz_table.npy", cz_table) with open("by_name.json", "wb") as f: json.dump(by_name, f)