""" Provides an extremely basic graph structure, based on key/value pairs """ import itertools as it import json import qi, clifford, util import random from util import ABPJsonEncoder class GraphState(object): def __init__(self, nodes=[]): self.adj, self.node = {}, {} self.add_nodes(nodes) def add_node(self, v, **kwargs): """ Add a node """ assert not v in self.node self.adj[v] = {} self.node[v] = {"vop": clifford.by_name["hadamard"]} self.node[v].update(kwargs) def add_nodes(self, nodes): """ Add a buncha nodes """ for n in nodes: self.add_node(n) def add_edge(self, v1, v2, data={}): """ Add an edge between two vertices in the self """ assert v1 != v2 self.adj[v1][v2] = data self.adj[v2][v1] = data def add_edges(self, edges): """ Add a buncha edges """ for (v1, v2) in edges: self.add_edge(v1, v2) def del_edge(self, v1, v2): """ Delete an edge between two vertices in the self """ del self.adj[v1][v2] del self.adj[v2][v1] def has_edge(self, v1, v2): """ Test existence of an edge between two vertices in the self """ return v2 in self.adj[v1] def toggle_edge(self, v1, v2): """ Toggle an edge between two vertices in the self """ if self.has_edge(v1, v2): self.del_edge(v1, v2) else: self.add_edge(v1, v2) def edgelist(self): """ Describe a graph as an edgelist """ # TODO: inefficient edges = set(tuple(sorted((i, n))) for i, v in self.adj.items() for n in v) return tuple(edges) def remove_vop(self, a, avoid): """ Reduces VOP[a] to the identity """ others = set(self.adj[a]) - {avoid} swap_qubit = others.pop() if others else avoid for v in reversed(clifford.decompositions[self.node[a]["vop"]]): if v == "x": self.local_complementation(a, "U ->") else: self.local_complementation(swap_qubit, "V ->") def local_complementation(self, v, prefix=""): """ As defined in LISTING 1 of Anders & Briegel """ for i, j in it.combinations(self.adj[v], 2): self.toggle_edge(i, j) msqx_h = clifford.conjugation_table[clifford.by_name["msqx"]] sqz_h = clifford.conjugation_table[clifford.by_name["sqz"]] self.node[v]["vop"] = clifford.times_table[self.node[v]["vop"], msqx_h] for i in self.adj[v]: self.node[i]["vop"] = clifford.times_table[ self.node[i]["vop"], sqz_h] def act_local_rotation(self, v, op): """ Act a local rotation """ rotation = clifford.by_name[str(op)] self.node[v]["vop"] = clifford.times_table[ rotation, self.node[v]["vop"]] def act_hadamard(self, qubit): """ Shorthand """ self.act_local_rotation(qubit, 10) def lonely(self, a, b): """ Is this qubit lonely ? """ return len(self.adj[a]) > (b in self.adj[a]) def act_cz(self, a, b): """ Act a controlled-phase gate on two qubits """ if self.lonely(a, b): self.remove_vop(a, b) if self.lonely(b, a): self.remove_vop(b, a) if self.lonely(a, b) and not clifford.is_diagonal(self.node[a]["vop"]): self.remove_vop(a, b) edge = self.has_edge(a, b) va = self.node[a]["vop"] vb = self.node[b]["vop"] new_edge, self.node[a]["vop"], self.node[b]["vop"] = \ clifford.cz_table[edge, va, vb] if new_edge != edge: self.toggle_edge(a, b) def measure(self, node, basis, force=None): """ Measure in an arbitrary basis """ basis = clifford.by_name[basis] old_basis = basis ha = clifford.conjugation_table[self.node[node]["vop"]] basis, phase = clifford.conjugate(basis, ha) print basis, phase assert phase in (-1, 1) # TODO: remove # TODO: wtf force = force ^ 0x01 if force != -1 and phase == 0 else force which = {1: self.measure_x, 2: self.measure_y, 3: self.measure_z}[basis] res = which(node, force) res = res if phase == 1 else not res # TODO: put the asserts from graphsim.cpp into tests return res def measure_z(self, node, force=None): """ Measure the graph in the Z-basis """ res = force if force != None else random.choice([0, 1]) # Disconnect for neighbour in self.adj[node]: self.del_edge(node, neighbour) if res: self.act_local_rotation(neighbour, "pz") # Rotate if res: self.act_local_rotation(node, "px") self.act_local_rotation(node, "hadamard") else: self.act_local_rotation(node, "hadamard") return res def measure_x(self, node, force=None): """ Measure the graph in the X-basis """ # TODO pass def measure_y(self, node, force=None): """ Measure the graph in the Y-basis """ # TODO pass def order(self): """ Get the number of qubits """ return len(self.node) def __str__(self): """ Represent as a string for quick debugging """ node = {key: clifford.get_name(value["vop"]) for key, value in self.node.items()} nbstr = str(self.adj) return "graph:\n node: {}\n adj: {}\n".format(node, nbstr) def to_json(self, stringify = False): """ Convert the graph to JSON form. JSON keys must be strings, But sometimes it is useful to have a JSON-like object whose keys are tuples! """ if stringify: node = {str(key):value for key, value in self.node.items()} adj = {str(key): {str(key):value for key, value in ngbh.items()} for key, ngbh in self.adj.items()} return {"node": node, "adj": adj} else: return {"node": self.node, "adj": self.adj} def from_json(self, data): """ Reconstruct from JSON """ self.__init__([]) # TODO def to_state_vector(self): """ Get the full state vector """ if len(self.node) > 15: raise ValueError("Cannot build state vector: too many qubits") state = qi.CircuitModel(len(self.node)) for i in range(len(self.node)): state.act_hadamard(i) for i, j in self.edgelist(): state.act_cz(i, j) for i, n in self.node.items(): state.act_local_rotation(i, clifford.unitaries[n["vop"]]) return state def to_stabilizer(self): """ Get the stabilizer of this graph """ output = {a: {} for a in self.node} for a, b in it.product(self.node, self.node): if a == b: output[a][b] = "X" elif a in self.adj[b]: output[a][b] = "Z" else: output[a][b] = "I" return output def __eq__(self, other): """ Check equality between graphs """ return self.adj == other.adj and self.node == other.node