#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Generates and enumerates the 24 elements of the local Clifford group Following the prescription of Anders (thesis pg. 26): > Table 2.1: The 24 elements of the local Clifford group. The row index (here called the “sign symbol”) shows how the operator > U permutes the Pauli operators σ = X, Y, Z under the conjugation σ = ±UσU† . The column index (the “permutation > symbol”) indicates the sign obtained under the conjugation: For operators U in the I column it is the sign of the permutation > (indicated on the left). For elements in the X, Y and Z columns, it is this sign only if the conjugated Pauli operator is the one > indicated by the column header and the opposite sign otherwise. """ from numpy import * # Some two-qubit matrices i = matrix(eye(2, dtype=complex)) px = matrix([[0, 1], [1, 0]], dtype=complex) py = matrix([[0, -1j], [1j, 0]], dtype=complex) pz = matrix([[1, 0], [0, -1]], dtype=complex) h = matrix([[1, 1], [1, -1]], dtype=complex) / sqrt(2) p = matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1j]], dtype=complex) paulis = (px, py, pz) # More two-qubit matrices s_rotations = [i, p, p*p, p*p*p] s_names = ["i", "p", "pp", "ppp"] c_rotations = [i, h, h*p, h*p*p, h*p*p*p, h*p*p*h] c_names = ["i", "h", "hp", "hpp", "hppp", "hpph"] def get_sign(x): """ Get the sign of a number """ return "+" if x>=0 else "-" def identify_pauli(m): """ Given a signed Pauli matrix, name it. """ for sign_label, sign in (("+", +1), ("-", -1)): for pauli_label, pauli in zip("xyz", paulis): if allclose(sign*pauli, m): return "{}{}".format(sign_label, pauli_label) def get_action(u): """ Get the action of a Pauli matrix on three qubits """ return tuple(identify_pauli(u*p*u.H) for p in paulis) def cliff_action(permutation, op): """ Computes the action of a particular local Clifford """ if __name__ == '__main__': labels = ("a" , "b" , "c" , "d" , "e" , "f") signs = (+1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , +1 , +1) permutations = ("xyz" , "yxz" , "zyx" , "xzy" , "yzx" , "zxy") for label, sign, permutation in zip(labels, signs, permutations): for op in "ixyz": signs = [sign if (a == op or op == "i") else -sign for a in "xyz"] print label, op print tuple("{}{}".format(get_sign(x), y) for x, y in zip(signs, permutation)) #print "{}{} = ({}, {})".format(op, label, "+" if sign>=0 else "-", permutation), print #for s, sn in zip(s_rotations, s_names): #for c, cn in zip(c_rotations, c_names): #print sn, "\t", cn, "\t", get_action(s*c)