var editor = {}; var pi2 = Math.pi / 2; editor.nearest = undefined; editor.orientations = { xy: new THREE.Matrix4(), xz: new THREE.Matrix4(), yz: new THREE.Matrix4() }; editor.orientations.xz.makeRotationX(pi2); editor.onFreeMove = function() { var n = editor.nearestNode(mouse.ray); if (editor.nearest !== n) { editor.nearest = n; if (n) { gui.nodeMessage("Node " + n + " (VOP:" + abj.vops[n] + ")" + "
" + "Click to edit neighbourhood"); } else { gui.hideNodeMessage(); } } }; editor.onClick = function() { var n = editor.nearestNode(mouse.ray); if (n) { var p = abj.meta[n].position; editor.grid.position.set(p.x, p.y, p.z);, p.y, p.z); gui.hideNodeMessage(); editor.nearest = undefined; gui.serverMessage("Selected node " + n + ""); } else { //TODO: ghastly var intersection = mouse.ray.intersectPlane(editor.plane); intersection.x = Math.round(intersection.x, 0); intersection.y = Math.round(intersection.y, 0); intersection.z = Math.round(intersection.z, 0); var newNode = abj.order(); abj.add_node(newNode, { position: intersection }); editor.grid.position.set(intersection.x, intersection.y, intersection.z);, intersection.y, intersection.z); graph.update(); gui.serverMessage("Created node " + newNode + " at "); } }; editor.prepare = function() { mouse.onFreeMove = editor.onFreeMove; mouse.onClick = editor.onClick; document.addEventListener("keydown", editor.onKey, false); editor.makeGrid(); }; editor.onKey = function(evt) { if (evt.keyCode == 32) { editor.grid.rotation.x += Math.PI / 2; editor.plane.applyMatrix4(m); gui.render(); gui.serverMessage("Rotated into the XY plane or whatever"); } }; editor.makeGrid = function() { editor.grid = new THREE.GridHelper(10, 1); editor.grid.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2; editor.grid.setColors(0xbbbbbb, 0xeeeeee); //editor.grid.matrixAutoUpdate = false; editor.plane = new THREE.Plane(new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 1), 0); gui.scene.add(editor.grid); }; editor.update = function(){ }; // Gets a reference to the node nearest to the mouse cursor // TODO: get rid of meta{} editor.nearestNode = function(ray) { for (var j in abj.meta) { if (ray.distanceSqToPoint(abj.meta[j].position) < 0.03) { return j; } } return undefined; };