Kaynağa Gözat

Better integration of ``mock``

Pete Shadbolt 7 yıl önce
3 değiştirilmiş dosya ile 83 ekleme ve 120 silme
  1. +9
  2. +41
  3. +33

+ 9
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abp/qi.py Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -104,10 +104,18 @@ class CircuitModel(object):
output = np.zeros((self.d, 1), dtype=complex)
for i, v in enumerate(self.state):
q = int(i & where > 0)
output[i] += v * u[q, q] # TODO this is probably wrong
output[i] += v * u[q, q]
output[i ^ where] += v * u[int(not q), q]
self.state = output

def act_circuit(self, circuit):
""" Act a sequence of gates """
for node, operation in circuit:
if operation == "cz":
self.act_local_rotation(node, operation)

def __eq__(self, other):
""" Check whether two quantum states are the same or not

+ 41
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tests/mock.py Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Mock graphs used for testing

import numpy as np
from abp import GraphState, clifford
from abp import GraphState, clifford, qi
from anders_briegel import graphsim
from numpy import random

@@ -52,41 +52,45 @@ class ABPWrapper(GraphState):
def __init__(self, nodes=[]):
super(ABPWrapper, self).__init__(nodes, deterministic=True)

def __eq__(self, other):
return self.to_json() == other.to_json()

class CircuitModelWrapper(qi.CircuitModel):

def __init__(self, nodes=[]):
assert list(nodes) == range(len(nodes))
super(CircuitModelWrapper, self).__init__(len(nodes))

def act_circuit(self, circuit):
""" Act a sequence of gates """
for node, operation in circuit:
if operation == "cz":
u = clifford.unitaries[clifford.by_name[str(operation)]]
self.act_local_rotation(node, u)

def random_pair(n):
""" Helper function to get random pairs"""
return tuple(random.choice(range(n), 2, replace=False))

def random_graph_state(n=10):
def random_graph_circuit(n=10):
""" A random Graph state. """
czs = [(random_pair(n), "cz") for i in range(n * 2)]
for Base in AndersWrapper, ABPWrapper:
g = Base(range(n))
g.act_circuit((i, "hadamard") for i in range(n))
yield g
return [(i, "hadamard") for i in range(n)] + \
[(random_pair(n), "cz") for i in range(n * 2)]

def random_stabilizer_state(n=10):
def random_stabilizer_circuit(n=10):
""" Generate a random stabilizer state, without any VOPs """
rotations = [(i, random.choice(range(24))) for i in range(n)]
for g in random_graph_state():
yield g
return random_graph_circuit(n) + \
[(i, random.choice(range(24))) for i in range(n)]

def bell_pair():
for Base in AndersWrapper, ABPWrapper:
g = Base((0, 1))
g.act_circuit(((0, "hadamard"), (1, "hadamard"), ((0, 1), "cz")))
yield g

def onequbit():
for Base in AndersWrapper, ABPWrapper:
g = Base((0,))
yield g
""" Generate a bell pair circuit """
return [(0, "hadamard"), (1, "hadamard"), ((0, 1), "cz")]

def named_node_graph():
@@ -106,12 +110,21 @@ def simple_graph():
g.act_circuit((edge, "cz") for edge in edges)
return g

def circuit_to_state(Base, n, circuit):
""" Convert a circuit to a state, given a base class """
g = Base(range(n))
return g

if __name__ == '__main__':
a, b = random_graph_state()
def test_circuit(circuit):
""" Check that two classes exhibit the same behaviour for a given circuit """
a = circuit_to_state(ABPWrapper, 10, circuit)
b = circuit_to_state(AndersWrapper, 10, circuit)
assert a == b

a, b = random_stabilizer_state()
assert a == b

print named_node_graph()
if __name__ == '__main__':
for i in range(1000):

+ 33
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tests/test_graphstate.py Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
from abp import GraphState, CircuitModel, clifford
from abp import clifford
from mock import simple_graph
import mock
import random
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
@@ -11,7 +10,7 @@ DEPTH = 100

def test_graph_basic():
""" Test that we can construct graphs, delete edges, whatever """
g = simple_graph()
g = mock.simple_graph()
assert set(g.adj[0].keys()) == set([1, 2, 3])
g._del_edge(0, 1)
assert set(g.adj[0].keys()) == set([2, 3])
@@ -21,7 +20,7 @@ def test_graph_basic():

def test_local_complementation():
""" Test that local complementation works as expected """
g = simple_graph()
g = mock.simple_graph()
assert g.has_edge(0, 1)
assert g.has_edge(0, 2)
@@ -34,7 +33,7 @@ def test_local_complementation():

def test_remove_vop():
""" Test that removing VOPs really works """
g = simple_graph()
g = mock.simple_graph()
g.remove_vop(0, 1)
assert g.node[0]["vop"] == clifford.by_name["identity"]
g.remove_vop(1, 1)
@@ -47,17 +46,17 @@ def test_remove_vop():

def test_edgelist():
""" Test making edgelists """
g = simple_graph()
g = mock.simple_graph()
el = g.edgelist()
assert (0, 3) in el
assert (0, 2) in el
assert (100, 200) in el

def test_stress(n = int(1e5)):
def test_stress(n=int(1e5)):
""" Testing that making a graph of ten thousand qubits takes less than half a second"""
import time
g = GraphState(range(n+1))
g = GraphState(range(n + 1))
t = time.clock()
for i in xrange(n):
g._add_edge(i, i + 1)
@@ -74,107 +73,50 @@ def test_cz():
g.act_cz(0, 1)
assert g.has_edge(0, 1)

def test_stabilizer():
""" Test that we can generate stabilizers okay """
g = simple_graph()
g = mock.simple_graph()
stab = g.to_stabilizer()

def test_local_complementation():
""" Test that local complementation works okay """
psi = GraphState()

for n in psi.node:

psi.act_cz(0, 1)
psi.act_cz(0, 3)
psi.act_cz(1, 3)
psi.act_cz(1, 2)

pairs = (0, 1), (0, 3), (1, 3), (1, 2),
psi = GraphState(range(4))
psi.act_circuit([(i, "hadamard") for i in psi.node])
psi.act_circuit([(pair, "cz") for pair in pairs])
old_edges = psi.edgelist()
old_state = psi.to_state_vector()
assert old_edges != psi.edgelist()
assert old_state == psi.to_state_vector()

def test_single_qubit():
""" A multi qubit test with Hadamards only"""
for repeat in tqdm(range(REPEATS), desc="Testing against circuit model"):
g = GraphState([0])
c = CircuitModel(1)

for i in range(100):
op = np.random.choice(range(24))
g.act_local_rotation(0, op)
c.act_local_rotation(0, clifford.unitaries[op])

assert g.to_state_vector() == c
for repeat in tqdm(range(REPEATS), desc="Randomly testing single qubit operations against circuit model"):
circuit = [(0, random.choice(range(24))) for i in range(DEPTH)]
a = mock.circuit_to_state(mock.ABPWrapper, 1, circuit)
b = mock.circuit_to_state(mock.CircuitModelWrapper, 1, circuit)
assert a.to_state_vector() == b

def test_hadamard_only_multiqubit(n=6):
def test_graphstate_multiqubit(n=6):
""" A multi qubit test with Hadamards only"""
for repeat in tqdm(range(REPEATS), desc="Testing against circuit model"):
g = GraphState(range(n))
c = CircuitModel(n)

for i in range(n):

assert g.to_state_vector() == c
for repeat in tqdm(range(REPEATS), desc="Randomly testing multiqubit operations against circuit model"):
circuit = mock.random_graph_circuit(n)
a = mock.circuit_to_state(mock.ABPWrapper, n, circuit)
b = mock.circuit_to_state(mock.CircuitModelWrapper, n, circuit)
assert a.to_state_vector() == b

for i in range(100):
a, b = np.random.choice(range(n), 2, False)
g.act_cz(a, b)
c.act_cz(a, b)

assert g.to_state_vector() == c

def test_all_multiqubit(n=4):
def test_stabilizerstate_multiqubit(n=6):
""" A multi qubit test with arbitrary local rotations """
g = GraphState(range(n))
c = CircuitModel(n)
for i in range(10):
qubit = np.random.randint(0, n - 1)
rotation = np.random.randint(0, 24 - 1)
g.act_local_rotation(qubit, rotation)
c.act_local_rotation(qubit, clifford.unitaries[rotation])

assert g.to_state_vector() == c

for repeat in tqdm(range(REPEATS), desc="Testing against circuit model"):
a, b = np.random.choice(range(n), 2, False)
g.act_cz(a, b)
c.act_cz(a, b)
assert np.allclose(np.sum(np.abs(c.state) ** 2), 1)
assert np.allclose(
np.sum(np.abs(g.to_state_vector().state) ** 2), 1)

assert g.to_state_vector() == c

assert g.to_state_vector() == c

def test_all(n=8):
""" A multi qubit test with arbitrary local rotations """
g = GraphState(range(n))
c = CircuitModel(n)
for repeat in tqdm(xrange(REPEATS), "Testing against circuit model"):
for step in xrange(DEPTH):
if random.random()>0.5:
qubit = np.random.randint(0, n - 1)
rotation = np.random.randint(0, 24 - 1)
g.act_local_rotation(qubit, rotation)
c.act_local_rotation(qubit, clifford.unitaries[rotation])
a, b = np.random.choice(range(n), 2, False)
g.act_cz(a, b)
c.act_cz(a, b)
assert g.to_state_vector() == c

for repeat in tqdm(range(REPEATS), desc="Randomly testing multiqubit operations against circuit model"):
circuit = mock.random_stabilizer_circuit(n)
a = mock.circuit_to_state(mock.ABPWrapper, n, circuit)
b = mock.circuit_to_state(mock.CircuitModelWrapper, n, circuit)
assert a.to_state_vector() == b
