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Working on syntactic sugar and docs simultaneously

Pete Shadbolt 7 years ago
5 changed files with 96 additions and 26 deletions
  1. +6
  2. +9
  3. +1
  4. +73
  5. +7

+ 6
- 3
abp/ View File

@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class GraphState(object):
self._add_node(self, *args, **kwargs)

def _del_node(self, node):
""" Remove a node. TODO: this is a hack right now! """
""" Remove a node. TODO: this is a hack right now. """
if not node in self.node:
del self.node[node]
@@ -57,6 +57,10 @@ class GraphState(object):
del self.adj[k][node]
del self.adj[node]

def del_qubit(self, node):
""" Remove a qubit. TODO: this is a hack right now. """

def _add_node(self, node, **kwargs):
""" Add a node. By default, nodes are initialized with ``vop=``:math:`I`, i.e. they are in the :math:`|+\\rangle` state.

@@ -424,8 +428,7 @@ class GraphState(object):
""" Represent as a string for quick debugging """
s = ""
for key in sorted(self.node.keys()):
s += "{}: {}\t".format(
key, clifford.get_name(self.node[key]["vop"]).replace("YC", "-"))
s += "{}: {}\t".format(key, clifford.get_name(self.node[key]["vop"]))
if self.adj[key]:
s += str(tuple(self.adj[key].keys())).replace(" ", "")

+ 9
- 1
abp/ View File

@@ -123,10 +123,18 @@ class CircuitModel(object):
b = normalize_global_phase(other.state)
return np.allclose(a, b)

def __setitem__(self, key, value):
""" Set a matrix element """
self.state[key] = value

def __getitem__(self, key):
""" Get a matrix element """
return self.state[key]

def __str__(self):
s = ""
for i in range(self.d):
label = bin(i)[2:].rjust(self.nqubits, "0")
label = bin(i)[2:].rjust(self.nqubits, "0")[::-1]
if abs(self.state[i, 0]) > 0.00001:
term = self.state[i, 0]
real_sign = " " if term.real>=0 else "-"

+ 1
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abp/static/index.html View File

@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
<div id=node_info class=hidden> nothing </div>
<div id=server_info class=hidden> </div>

<div id=version>Version 0.4.20 develop mode</div>
<div id=version>Version 0.4.20</div>

<div id=node_data class=hidden>
<div id=node_name></div>

+ 73
- 21
doc/index.rst View File

@@ -45,32 +45,84 @@ If you want to modify and test ``abp`` without having to re-install, switch into

It's pretty easy to build a graph state, act some gates, and do measurements::
Let's make a new ``GraphState`` object with a register of three qubits:

>>> from abp import GraphState
>>> g = GraphState(5)
>>> for i in range(5):
... g.act_hadamard(i)
>>> for i in range(4):
... g.act_cz(i, i+1)
>>> print g
0: IA (1,)
1: IA (0,2)
2: IA (1,3)
3: IA (2,4)
4: IA (3,)
>>> g.measure(2, "px")
>>> g = GraphState(3)

All the qubits are initialized by default in the :math:`|+\rangle` state:

>>> print g.to_state_vector()
|000❭: √1/8 + i √0
|100❭: √1/8 + i √0
|010❭: √1/8 + i √0
|110❭: √1/8 + i √0
|001❭: √1/8 + i √0
|101❭: √1/8 + i √0
|011❭: √1/8 + i √0
|111❭: √1/8 + i √0

We can also check the stabilizer tableau:

>>> print g.to_stabilizer()
0 1 2

Or look directly at the vertex operators and neighbour lists:

>>> print g
0: IA -
1: IA -
2: IA -

This representation might be unfamiliar. Each row shows the index of the qubit, then the _vertex operator_, then a list of neighbouring qubits. To understand vertex operators, read the original paper by Anders and Briegel.

Let's act a Hadamard gate on the zeroth qubit -- this will evolve qubit ``0`` to the :math:`H|+\rangle = |1\rangle` state:

>>> g.act_hadamard(0)
>>> print g.to_state_vector()
|000❭: √1/4 + i √0
|010❭: √1/4 + i √0
|001❭: √1/4 + i √0
|011❭: √1/4 + i √0
>>> print g
0: IA (3,)
1: ZC (3,)
0: YC -
1: IA -
2: IA -
3: ZA (0,1,4)
4: IA (3,)

Working with GraphStates
And now run some CZ gates:

>>> g.act_cz(0,1)
>>> g.act_cz(1,2)
>>> print g
0: YC -
1: IA (2,)
2: IA (1,)

>>> print g.to_state_vector()
|000❭: √1/4 + i √0
|010❭: √1/4 + i √0
|001❭: √1/4 + i √0
|011❭: -√1/4 + i √0

Tidy up a bit:

>>> g.del_node(0)
>>> g.act_hadamard(0)
>>> print g.to_state_vector()
|00❭: √1/2 + i √0
|11❭: √1/2 + i √0

Cool, we made a Bell state. Incidentally, those those state vectors and stabilizers are real objects with methods, not just string-like representations of the state:

GraphState API

The ``abp.GraphState`` class is the main interface to ``abp``.

+ 7
- 0
tests/ View File

@@ -169,3 +169,10 @@ def test_sqrt_notation(n=2):
g = GraphState(range(n))

def test_indexint():
""" Test that we can index into state vectors """
psi = qi.CircuitModel(0)
assert psi[0] == 1+0j
psi[0] = 42
assert psi[0] == 42
