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Add edgelist method

Pete Shadbolt 9 years ago
3 changed files with 567 additions and 7 deletions
  1. +23
  2. +528
  3. +16

+ 23
- 7 View File

@@ -1,28 +1,44 @@
class Vertex(object):
def __init__(self):

def __init__(self, index):
self.index = index
self.neighbors = set()

def edgelist(self):
return [set((self.index, n)) for n in self.neighbors]

def __str__(self):
return "v: {}".format(", ".join(map(str, self.neighbors)))
return "{}".format(", ".join(map(str, self.neighbors)))

class GraphRegister(object):

def __init__(self, n):
self.vertices = [Vertex() for i in xrange(n)]
self.vertices = [Vertex(i) for i in xrange(n)]

def add_edge(self, v1, v2):

def del_edge(self, v1, v2):

def toggle_edge(self, v1, v2):
if v2 in self.vertices[v1].neighbors:
self.del_edge(v1, v2)
self.add_edge(v1, v2)

def edgelist(self):
return map(tuple, frozenset(frozenset((v.index, n))
for v in self.vertices
for n in v.neighbors))

def __str__(self, ):
return "\n".join(str(v) for v in self.vertices)
return "\n".join(str(v) for v in self.vertices if len(v.neighbors) > 0)

if __name__ == '__main__':
g = GraphRegister(10)
g.toggle_edge(0, 1)
print g

+ 528
- 0
graphsim.cpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
// graphsim.cpp

#include "graphsim.h"

#include <utility>
#include <ctime>

//!Random coin toss. Change here to insert your favorite RNG.
int bool_rand (void) {
return random () > RAND_MAX/2;

//! Instantiate a quantum register with 'numQubits' qubits, initally all in state |0>.
/*! If randomize > -1 the RNG will be seeded with the current time plus the value
of randomize. (Otherwise, it is not seeded.) That the value of randomize is
added to the seed is useful in parallel processing settings where you want to
ensure different seeds. (If you call this from Python, remember, that Python's
RNG is not seeded.) */
GraphRegister::GraphRegister (VertexIndex numQubits, int randomize)
: vertices (numQubits)
if (randomize > -1) {
srandom (time(NULL) + randomize);

//! Copy constructor
/*! Clones a register */
GraphRegister::GraphRegister (GraphRegister& gr)
: vertices (gr.vertices)

//! Add an edge to the graph underlying the state.
void GraphRegister::add_edge (VertexIndex v1, VertexIndex v2) {
assert (v1 != v2);
vertices[v1].neighbors.insert (v2);
vertices[v2].neighbors.insert (v1);
//D cerr << "adding edge " << v1 << " - " << v2 << endl;

//! Delete an edge to the graph underlying the state.
void GraphRegister::del_edge (VertexIndex v1, VertexIndex v2) {
DBGOUT ("deling edge " << v1 << " - " << v2 << endl);
vertices[v1].neighbors.erase (v2);
vertices[v2].neighbors.erase (v1);

//! Toggle an edge to the graph underlying the state.
/*! (i.e. add it if not present, and delete it if present.) */
void GraphRegister::toggle_edge (VertexIndex v1, VertexIndex v2)
int n1 = vertices[v1].neighbors.erase (v2);
if (n1 == 1) {
vertices[v2].neighbors.erase (v1);
} else {
assert (n1 == 0);
add_edge (v1, v2);

//! Create the Stabilizer of the state.
/*! This is useful to print out the stabilizer (or to compare with CHP).
You can also use print_stabilizer.*/
Stabilizer& GraphRegister::get_full_stabilizer (void) const
hash_set<VertexIndex> all_qubits;
for (VertexIterConst i = vertices.begin(); i != vertices.end(); i++) {
all_qubits.insert (i-vertices.begin());
Stabilizer *s = new Stabilizer (*this, all_qubits);
return *s;

//! Prints out the description of the current state
/*! in terms of adjacency lists of the graph and the VOps.*/
void GraphRegister::print_adj_list (ostream& os) const
for (VertexIndex i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++) {
print_adj_list_line (os, i);

//! Prints the line for Vertex i in the adjacency list representation of the state.
void GraphRegister::print_adj_list_line (ostream& os, VertexIndex i) const
os << "Vertex " << i << ": VOp "
<< vertices[i].byprod.get_name() << ", neighbors ";
for (VtxIdxIterConst j = vertices[i].neighbors.begin();
j != vertices[i].neighbors.end(); j++) {
os << *j << " ";
os << endl;

//! Print the current state in stabilizer representation.
void GraphRegister::print_stabilizer (ostream &os) const
get_full_stabilizer().print (os);

/*! Use the cphase look-up table. This is called by cphase after VOps that do not
commute with the cphase gate have been removed as far as possible. */
void GraphRegister::cphase_with_table (VertexIndex v1, VertexIndex v2)
// Structure of the table:
// first index: whether there was an edge between the operands before
// (0=no, 1= yes)
// second and third index: byprod op of v1 and v2
// third index: information to obtain:
// 0= whether after the cphase there is an edges
// 1,2= new values of the byprod ops of v1 and v2Id
static const unsigned short cphase_tbl[2][24][24][3] =
#include "cphase.tbl"
DBGOUT ("cphase_with_table called on:\n");
print_adj_list_line (cout, v1);
print_adj_list_line (cout, v2);
ConnectionInfo ci = getConnectionInfo (v1, v2);
unsigned op1 = vertices[v1].byprod.op;
unsigned op2 = vertices[v2].byprod.op;
// The table must only be used if a vertex has either no
// non-operand neighbors, or a diagonal byprod op
assert ((!ci.non1) || vertices[v1].byprod.is_diagonal());
assert ((!ci.non2) || vertices[v2].byprod.is_diagonal());
if (cphase_tbl[ci.wasEdge][op1][op2][0]) {
add_edge (v1, v2);
DBGOUT ("adding edge" << endl);
} else {
del_edge (v1, v2);
DBGOUT ("deling edge" << endl);
vertices[v1].byprod.op = cphase_tbl[ci.wasEdge][op1][op2][1];
vertices[v2].byprod.op = cphase_tbl[ci.wasEdge][op1][op2][2];
DBGOUT ("cphase_with_table: after:\n");
print_adj_list_line (cout, v1);
print_adj_list_line (cout, v2);
// The condition above must also hold afterwards:
ci = getConnectionInfo (v1, v2);
assert ((!ci.non1) || vertices[v1].byprod.is_diagonal());
assert ((!ci.non2) || vertices[v2].byprod.is_diagonal());

/*! Check whether the qubits are connected to each other and to non-operand vertices.*/
ConnectionInfo GraphRegister::getConnectionInfo
(VertexIndex v1, VertexIndex v2) {
ConnectionInfo ci;
ci.wasEdge =
vertices[v1].neighbors.find(v2) != vertices[v1].neighbors.end();
if (! ci.wasEdge) {
ci.non1 = vertices[v1].neighbors.size() >= 1;
ci.non2 = vertices[v2].neighbors.size() >= 1;
} else {
ci.non1 = vertices[v1].neighbors.size() >= 2;
ci.non2 = vertices[v2].neighbors.size() >= 2;
return ci;
//! Do a conditional phase gate between the two qubits.
void GraphRegister::cphase (VertexIndex v1, VertexIndex v2)
// If there are non-operand neighbors, we can use neighborhood inversion
// to remove the byprod operators.
// These will store whether the operand vertices have nonoperand neighbors.
DBGOUT ("before cphase between " << v1 << " and " << v2 << endl);
print_adj_list_line (cout, v1);
print_adj_list_line (cout, v2);
ConnectionInfo ci = getConnectionInfo (v1, v2);
if (ci.non1) {
DBGOUT ("cphase: left vertex has NONs -> putting it to Id\n");
remove_byprod_op (v1, v2);
ci = getConnectionInfo (v1, v2);
if (ci.non2) {
DBGOUT ("cphase: right vertex has NONs -> putting it to Id\n");
remove_byprod_op (v2, v1);
ci = getConnectionInfo (v1, v2);
if (ci.non1 && !vertices[v1].byprod.is_diagonal()) {
// this can happen if v1 was first skipped
DBGOUT ("cphase: left one needs treatment again -> putting it to Id\n");
remove_byprod_op (v1, v2);
cphase_with_table (v1, v2);

//! Do a controlled not gate between the vertices vc (control) and vt (target).
void GraphRegister::cnot (VertexIndex vc, VertexIndex vt) {
hadamard (vt);
cphase (vc, vt);
hadamard (vt);

//! This structure is needed only by toggle_edges
struct Edge: public pair<VertexIndex, VertexIndex> {
Edge (const VertexIndex a, const VertexIndex b) {
if (a < b) {
first = a; second = b;
} else {
first = b; second = a;

//! This structure is needed only by toggle_edges
struct edge_hash {
size_t operator() (const Edge& e) const
return e.first << 16 ^ e.second;

//! Toggles the edges between the vertex sets vs1 and vs2.
/*! The function takes extra care not to invert an edge twice. If vs1 and
vs2 are disjunct, this cannot happen and we do not need the function.
If vs1 == v2s, we can do without, too. */
void GraphRegister::toggle_edges (const hash_set<VertexIndex> vs1,
const hash_set<VertexIndex> vs2)
hash_set<Edge, edge_hash> procd_edges;
for (VtxIdxIterConst i = vs1.begin(); i != vs1.end(); i++) {
for (VtxIdxIterConst j = vs2.begin(); j != vs2.end(); j++) {
if ((*i != *j) &&
(procd_edges.find (Edge (*i, *j)) == procd_edges.end())) {
procd_edges.insert (Edge (*i, *j));
toggle_edge (*i, *j);

//! Get the adjacency matrix as an edgelist
std::vector<double> GraphRegister::adj_list ()
std::vector<double> out;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
return out;

//! Measure the bare graph state in the Z basis.
int GraphRegister::graph_Z_measure (VertexIndex v, int force)
int res;
if (force == -1) {
res = bool_rand ();
} else {
res = force;
DBGOUT ("gZm" << v << "," << res << " ");
print_adj_list_line (cout, v);
hash_set<VertexIndex> nbg = vertices[v].neighbors;
for (VtxIdxIter i = nbg.begin(); i != nbg.end(); i++) {
del_edge (v, *i);
if (res) {
vertices[*i].byprod = vertices[*i].byprod * lco_Z;
if (! res) {
vertices[v].byprod = vertices[v].byprod * lco_H;
} else {
vertices[v].byprod = vertices[v].byprod * lco_X * lco_H;
return res;

//! Measure the bare graph state in the Y basis.
int GraphRegister::graph_Y_measure (VertexIndex v, int force)
int res;
if (force == -1) {
res = bool_rand ();
} else {
res = force;
DBGOUT ("gYm" << v << "," << res << " ");
hash_set<VertexIndex> vnbg = vertices[v].neighbors;
for (VtxIdxIter i = vnbg.begin(); i != vnbg.end(); i++) {
if (res) {
vertices[*i].byprod = vertices[*i].byprod * lco_spiZ;
} else {
vertices[*i].byprod = vertices[*i].byprod * lco_smiZ;
vnbg.insert (v); // Now, vnbg is the set of v and its neighbours.
for (VtxIdxIter i = vnbg.begin(); i != vnbg.end(); i++) {
for (VtxIdxIter j = i; j != vnbg.end(); j++) {
if (i != j) {
toggle_edge (*i, *j);
if (! res) {
// Messergebnis: +|0y>
vertices[v].byprod = vertices[v].byprod * lco_S;
} else {
// Messergebnis: -|0y>
vertices[v].byprod = vertices[v].byprod * lco_S.herm_adjoint();
return res;

//! Measure the bare graph state in the X basis.
int GraphRegister::graph_X_measure (VertexIndex v, bool* determined,
int force)
if (vertices[v].neighbors.size () == 0) {
//not entangled qubit => result always 0
DBGOUT ("gXm" << v << ",D ");
if (determined != NULL)
*determined = true;
return 0;
if (determined != NULL)
*determined = false;
// entangled qubit => let's get on with the complicated procedure
// throw a die:
int res;
if (force == -1) {
res = bool_rand ();
} else {
res = force;
DBGOUT ("gXm" << v << "," << res << " ");
DBGOUT ("forced: " << force << endl);
VertexIndex vb = *vertices[v].neighbors.begin(); // the choosen vertex
//D cerr << "vb = " << vb << endl;
// preparation step: store the neighborhood of v and vb
hash_set<VertexIndex> vn = vertices[v].neighbors;
hash_set<VertexIndex> vbn = vertices[vb].neighbors;
// First, put the byproduct ops:
if (! res) {
// measured a |+>:
// lco_spiY on vb
vertices[vb].byprod = vertices[vb].byprod * lco_spiY;
// Z on all in nbg(v) \ nbg(vb) \ {vb}
for (VtxIdxIter i = vertices[v].neighbors.begin();
i != vertices[v].neighbors.end(); i++) {
if (*i != vb &&
vertices[vb].neighbors.find(*i) == vertices[vb].neighbors.end()) {
vertices[*i].byprod = vertices[*i].byprod * lco_Z;
} else {
// measured a |->:
// lco_smiY on vb, and lco_Z on v:
vertices[vb].byprod = vertices[vb].byprod * lco_smiY;
vertices[v].byprod = vertices[v].byprod * lco_Z;
// Z on all in nbg(vb) \ nbg(v) \ {v}
for (VtxIdxIter i = vertices[vb].neighbors.begin();
i != vertices[vb].neighbors.end(); i++) {
if (*i != v &&
vertices[v].neighbors.find(*i) == vertices[v].neighbors.end()) {
vertices[*i].byprod = vertices[*i].byprod * lco_Z;
// Toggling the edges in three steps
// STEP 1: complement with Edges (nbg(v), nbg(vb)):
toggle_edges (vn, vbn);
// STEP 2: complement with the complete subgraph induced by the
// intersection of nbg(v) and nbg(vb):
// First, make the intersection
hash_set<VertexIndex> isc;
for (VtxIdxIter i = vn.begin(); i != vn.end(); i++) {
if (vbn.find(*i) != vbn.end()) {
isc.insert (*i);
// Now, toggle the edges
for (VtxIdxIter i = isc.begin(); i != isc.end(); i++) {
for (VtxIdxIter j = i; j != isc.end(); j++) {
if (*i != *j) {
toggle_edge (*i, *j);
// STEP 3: Toggle all edges from vb to nbg(v) \ {vb}
for (VtxIdxIter i = vn.begin(); i != vn.end(); i++) {
if (*i != vb) {
toggle_edge (vb, *i);
return res;

//! Measure qubit v in basis 'basis'.
/* For basis, pass a LocCliffOp object which has to be equal to one of lco_X, lco_Y
or lco_Z. If you want to now, whether the result was choosen at random or determined
by the state, pass a bool pointer in which this information will be written.
If you want to force the result to be a certain value, pass 0 or 1 to 'force'. This only
works, if the result is not determined. If it is, 'force' is ignored.*/
int GraphRegister::measure (VertexIndex v, LocCliffOp basis, bool* determined,
int force)
assert (basis.op >= lco_X.op && basis.op <= lco_Z.op);
if (determined != NULL) {
*determined = false;
assert (force >= -1 && force <= 1);
LocCliffOp basis_orig = basis;
RightPhase rp = basis.conjugate (vertices[v].byprod.herm_adjoint());
assert (rp == rp_p1 || rp == rp_m1);
if (force != -1 && rp == rp_m1) {
force = force ^ 0x01;
int res;
switch (basis.op) {
case 1 /* lco_X */: res = graph_X_measure (v, determined, force); break;
case 2 /* lco_Y */: res = graph_Y_measure (v, force); break;
case 3 /* lco_Z */: res = graph_Z_measure (v, force); break;
default: exit (1);
if (rp == rp_m1) {
res = ! res;
} else {
assert (rp == rp_p1);
// check: the measured vertex should be singled out:
assert (vertices[v].neighbors.size() == 0);
// Check that the vertex is now in the correct eigenstate:
LocCliffOp assert_op = lco_X;
assert (assert_op.conjugate (vertices[v].byprod) == (res ? rp_m1 : rp_p1));
assert (assert_op == basis_orig);
return res;
//! Do a neighborhood inversion (i.e. local complementation) about vertex v.
/* This changes the state's graph representation but not the state itself, as the
necessary correction to the VOps are applied. */
void GraphRegister::invert_neighborhood (VertexIndex v)
// Invert the neighborhood:
DBGOUT ("Inverting about ");
print_adj_list_line (cout, v);
hash_set<VertexIndex> vn = vertices[v].neighbors;
for (VtxIdxIter i = vn.begin(); i != vn.end(); i++) {
for (VtxIdxIter j = i; j != vn.end(); j++) {
if (*i != *j) {
//cerr << "toggling " << *i << "," << *j << endl;
toggle_edge (*i, *j);
// and adjust the local Cliffords:
vertices[*i].byprod = vertices[*i].byprod * lco_spiZ.herm_adjoint();
// finally, adjust the local Clifford of v:
vertices[v].byprod = vertices[v].byprod * lco_smiX.herm_adjoint();

//! Do neighborhood inversions to reduce the VOp of vertex v to the identity.
/* 'avoid' is avoided as swapping partner, i.e. the swapping partner will not
be 'avoid' unless this is the only neighbor of v. If no neighbor is available,
the program exits with error message.*/
bool GraphRegister::remove_byprod_op (VertexIndex v, VertexIndex avoid)
// A lookup table on how any LC operator can be composed from them
// generators lco_spiZ (denoted 'V') and lco_smiX (denoted 'U'):
// (The lookup table was generated from sqrt-gen.nb and copied here manually.)
const char * comp_tbl [24] =
{"UUUU", "UU", "VVUU", "VV",
"VUU", "V", "VVV", "UUV",
"UVV", "VVU", "UUU", "U",
"VVVU", "UUVU", "VU", "VUUU",
"UUUV", "UVVV", "UV", "UVUU"};
// Of course, we need a neighborhood
if (vertices[v].neighbors.size() == 0) {
cerr << "remove_byprod_op: called with isolated vertex. Aborting.\n";
// This will be the swapping partner:
VertexIndex vb = * vertices[v].neighbors.begin ();
if (vb == avoid) {
// Is there an alternative to 'avoid'? If so, use it.
VtxIdxIter vbi = vertices[v].neighbors.begin ();
if (vbi != vertices[v].neighbors.end()) {
vb = *vbi;
DBGOUT ("remove_byprod_op called: (v, avoid, vb):\n");
print_adj_list_line (cout, v);
print_adj_list_line (cout, avoid);
print_adj_list_line (cout, vb);
const char * comp = comp_tbl[vertices[v].byprod.op];
DBGOUT ("using " << comp << endl);
for (int pos = strlen(comp)-1; pos >= 0; pos--) {
if (comp[pos] == 'U') {
// A U will vanish if we do an inversion on v
DBGOUT ("U ->");
invert_neighborhood (v);
} else {
assert (comp[pos] == 'V');
DBGOUT ("V ->");
// For this we need to invert on a neighbor of v
invert_neighborhood (vb);
DBGOUT ("remove_byprod_op, after: (v, avoid, vb):\n");
print_adj_list_line (cout, v);
print_adj_list_line (cout, avoid);
print_adj_list_line (cout, vb);
// Now, we should have lco_Id left
assert (vertices[v].byprod == lco_Id);
return true;

+ 16
- 0
tests/ View File

@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
from nose import with_setup
import abp

def setup():
global g
g = abp.GraphRegister(10)

def test_adding():
print list(g.edgelist())
