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Pete Shadbolt vor 8 Jahren
1 geänderte Dateien mit 9 neuen und 9 gelöschten Zeilen
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@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Let's make a new ``GraphState`` object with a register of three qubits:
>>> from abp import GraphState
>>> g = GraphState(3)

All the qubits are initialized by default in the :math:`|+\rangle` state:
All the qubits are initialized by default in the :math:`|+\rangle` state::

>>> print g.to_state_vector()
|000❭: √1/8 + i √0
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ All the qubits are initialized by default in the :math:`|+\rangle` state:
|011❭: √1/8 + i √0
|111❭: √1/8 + i √0

We can also check the stabilizer tableau:
We can also check the stabilizer tableau::

>>> print g.to_stabilizer()
0 1 2
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ We can also check the stabilizer tableau:

Or look directly at the vertex operators and neighbour lists:
Or look directly at the vertex operators and neighbour lists::

>>> print g
0: IA -
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ Or look directly at the vertex operators and neighbour lists:

This representation might be unfamiliar. Each row shows the index of the qubit, then the **vertex operator**, then a list of neighbouring qubits. To understand vertex operators, read the original paper by Anders and Briegel.

Let's act a Hadamard gate on the zeroth qubit -- this will evolve qubit ``0`` to the :math:`H|+\rangle = |1\rangle` state:
Let's act a Hadamard gate on the zeroth qubit -- this will evolve qubit ``0`` to the :math:`H|+\rangle = |1\rangle` state::

>>> g.act_hadamard(0)
>>> print g.to_state_vector()
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Let's act a Hadamard gate on the zeroth qubit -- this will evolve qubit ``0`` to
1: IA -
2: IA -

And now run some CZ gates:
And now run some CZ gates::

>>> g.act_cz(0,1)
>>> g.act_cz(1,2)
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ And now run some CZ gates:
|001❭: √1/4 + i √0
|011❭: -√1/4 + i √0

Tidy up a bit:
Tidy up a bit::

>>> g.del_node(0)
>>> g.act_hadamard(0)
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ Tidy up a bit:
|00❭: √1/2 + i √0
|11❭: √1/2 + i √0

Cool, we made a Bell state. Incidentally, those those state vectors and stabilizers are genuine Python objects, not just stringy representations of the state:
Cool, we made a Bell state. Incidentally, those those state vectors and stabilizers are genuine Python objects, not just stringy representations of the state::

>>> g = abp.GraphState(2)
>>> g.act_cz(0, 1)
@@ -125,14 +125,14 @@ Cool, we made a Bell state. Incidentally, those those state vectors and stabiliz
|00❭: √1/2 + i √0
|11❭: √1/2 + i √0

``psi`` is a state vector -- i.e. it is an exponentially large vector of complex numbers. We can still run gates on it:
``psi`` is a state vector -- i.e. it is an exponentially large vector of complex numbers. We can still run gates on it::

>>> psi.act_cnot(0, 1)
>>> psi.act_hadamard(0)
>>> print psi
|00❭: √1 + i √0

But these operations will be very slow. Let's have a look at the stabilizer tableau:
But these operations will be very slow. Let's have a look at the stabilizer tableau::

>>> tab = g.to_stabilizer()
>>> print tab
