Anders and Briegel in Python
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8 роки тому
8 роки тому
8 роки тому
8 роки тому
7 роки тому
8 роки тому
  1. from setuptools import setup
  2. from glob import glob
  3. from os import path
  4. setup(
  5. name = "abp",
  6. version = "0.6.1",
  7. packages = ["abp"],
  8. test_suite = "tests",
  9. author = "Pete Shadbolt",
  10. author_email = "",
  11. url = "",
  12. description = "Port of C++ due to Simon Anders and Hans J Briegel",
  13. keywords = "quantum",
  14. setup_requires = ["numpy"],
  15. install_requires = ["numpy", "networkx", "requests"],
  16. )