Anders and Briegel in Python
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  1. # abp 0.5.0
  2. Python port of Anders and Briegel' s [method]( for fast simulation of Clifford circuits.
  3. ## Documentation
  4. You can read the full documentation [here]( You can also build it locally using Sphinx with `make doc`.
  5. To install Sphinx on OSX, use `pip install sphinx`. If after doing so `make doc` still does not work, some OSX users may also need to install `sphinxcontrib-napoleon` by running `pip install sphinxcontrib-napoleon`.
  6. ## Installation
  7. It's easiest to install with `pip`:
  8. ```shell
  9. $ pip install --user abp==0.5.0
  10. ```
  11. Or install from source: clone and install in `develop` mode:
  12. ```shell
  13. $ git clone
  14. $ cd abp
  15. $ python develop --user
  16. $ python develop --user --prefix= # Might be required on OSX
  17. ```
  18. If installed from source, check that abp is running your local Python install by ensuring that the first line of `abp/bin/abpserver` matches your local python install (which can be found using `which python`). If not, you will need to change it to your local python path.
  19. Some OSX users may find they need additional modifications to their path to execute `abpserver` from the command line. To add `abpserver` to your path, you must first find where it is installed, e.g. by typing:
  20. ```shell
  21. $ find / -iname "abpserver"
  22. ```
  23. A path to a Python library, such as `/Users/username/Library/Python/2.7/bin/abpserver`, should appear (if installed from source, this is not `path/to/repo/abp/bin/abpserver`). To add this to your path permanently, open `~/.bash_profile`, add the path, e.g. `export PATH="$HOME/Library/Python/2.7/bin:$PATH"` and restart your shell. If this has worked, typing `which abpserver` will display the desired path.