Anders and Briegel in Python
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  1. .. abp documentation master file, created by
  2. sphinx-quickstart on Sun Jul 24 18:12:02 2016.
  3. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
  4. contain the root `toctree` directive.
  5. .. toctree::
  6. :maxdepth: 2
  7. ``abp``
  8. ===============================
  9. This is the documentation for ``abp``. It's a work in progress.
  10. ``abp`` is a Python port of Anders and Briegel' s `method <>`_ for fast simulation of Clifford circuits.
  11. That means that you can make quantum states of thousands of qubits, perform any sequence of Clifford operations, and measure in any of :math:`\{\sigma_x, \sigma_y, \sigma_z\}`.
  12. .. image:: ../examples/demo.gif
  13. Installing
  14. ----------------------------
  15. You can install from ``pip``:
  16. .. code-block:: bash
  17. $ pip install --user abp
  18. Alternatively, clone from the `github repo <>`_ and run ````:
  19. .. code-block:: bash
  20. $ git clone
  21. $ cd abp
  22. $ python install --user
  23. If you want to modify and test ``abp`` without having to re-install, switch into ``develop`` mode:
  24. .. code-block:: bash
  25. $ python develop --user
  26. Quickstart
  27. ----------------------------
  28. It's pretty easy to build a graph state, act some gates, and do measurements::
  29. >>> from abp import GraphState
  30. >>> g = GraphState(range(5))
  31. >>> for i in range(5):
  32. ... g.act_hadamard(i)
  33. ...
  34. >>> for i in range(4):
  35. ... g.act_cz(i, i+1)
  36. ...
  37. >>> print g
  38. 0: IA (1,)
  39. 1: IA (0,2)
  40. 2: IA (1,3)
  41. 3: IA (2,4)
  42. 4: IA (3,)
  43. >>> g.measure(2, "px")
  44. 0
  45. >>> print g
  46. 0: IA (3,)
  47. 1: ZC (3,)
  48. 2: IA -
  49. 3: ZA (0,1,4)
  50. 4: IA (3,)
  51. Working with GraphStates
  52. -------------------------
  53. The ``abp.GraphState`` class is the main interface to ``abp``.
  54. .. autoclass:: abp.GraphState
  55. .. automethod:: abp.GraphState.__init__
  56. .. automethod:: abp.GraphState.add_node
  57. .. automethod:: abp.GraphState.add_nodes
  58. .. automethod:: abp.GraphState.act_local_rotation
  59. .. automethod:: abp.GraphState.act_hadamard
  60. .. automethod:: abp.GraphState.act_cz
  61. .. automethod:: abp.GraphState.act_circuit
  62. .. automethod:: abp.GraphState.measure
  63. .. automethod:: abp.GraphState.to_json
  64. .. automethod:: abp.GraphState.to_state_vector
  65. .. automethod:: abp.GraphState.to_stabilizer
  66. .. automethod:: abp.GraphState.remove_vop
  67. .. automethod:: abp.GraphState.measure_x
  68. .. automethod:: abp.GraphState.measure_y
  69. .. automethod:: abp.GraphState.measure_z
  70. .. _clifford:
  71. The Clifford group
  72. ----------------------
  73. .. automodule:: abp.clifford
  74. |
  75. The ``clifford`` module provides a few useful functions:
  76. .. autofunction:: abp.clifford.use_old_cz
  77. :noindex:
  78. Visualization
  79. ----------------------
  80. ``abp`` comes with a tool to visualize graph states in a WebGL compatible web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari etc). It uses a client-server architecture.
  81. First, run ``abpserver`` in a terminal:
  82. .. code-block:: bash
  83. $ abpserver
  84. Listening on port 5000 for clients..
  85. Then browse to ``http://localhost:5001/`` (in some circumstances ``abp`` will automatically pop a browser window).
  86. Now, in another terminal, use ``abp.fancy.GraphState`` to run a Clifford circuit::
  87. >>> from abp.fancy import GraphState
  88. >>> g = GraphState(range(10))
  89. >>> g.act_circuit([(i, "hadamard") for i in range(10)])
  90. >>> g.act_circuit([((i, i+1), "cz") for i in range(9)])
  91. >>> g.update()
  92. And you should see a 3D visualization of the state. You can call ``update()`` in a loop to see an animation.
  93. .. image:: ../examples/viz.png
  94. Reference
  95. ----------------------------
  96. More detailed docs are available here:
  97. * :ref:`genindex`
  98. * :ref:`modindex`
  99. * :ref:`search`