Anders and Briegel in Python
Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner plus de 25 sujets Les noms de sujets doivent commencer par une lettre ou un nombre, peuvent contenir des tirets ('-') et peuvent comporter jusqu'à 35 caractères.

libs.js 21KB

  1. /**
  2. * @author qiao /
  3. * @author mrdoob /
  4. * @author alteredq /
  5. * @author WestLangley /
  6. * @author erich666 /
  7. */
  8. /*global THREE, console */
  9. ( function () {
  10. function OrbitConstraint ( object ) {
  11. this.object = object;
  12. // "target" sets the location of focus, where the object orbits around
  13. // and where it pans with respect to.
  14. = new THREE.Vector3();
  15. // Limits to how far you can dolly in and out ( PerspectiveCamera only )
  16. this.minDistance = 0;
  17. this.maxDistance = Infinity;
  18. // Limits to how far you can zoom in and out ( OrthographicCamera only )
  19. this.minZoom = 0;
  20. this.maxZoom = Infinity;
  21. // How far you can orbit vertically, upper and lower limits.
  22. // Range is 0 to Math.PI radians.
  23. this.minPolarAngle = 0; // radians
  24. this.maxPolarAngle = Math.PI; // radians
  25. // How far you can orbit horizontally, upper and lower limits.
  26. // If set, must be a sub-interval of the interval [ - Math.PI, Math.PI ].
  27. this.minAzimuthAngle = - Infinity; // radians
  28. this.maxAzimuthAngle = Infinity; // radians
  29. // Set to true to disable damping (inertia)
  30. this.staticMoving = false;
  31. this.dynamicDampingFactor = 0.2;
  32. ////////////
  33. // internals
  34. var scope = this;
  35. var EPS = 0.000001;
  36. // Current position in spherical coordinate system.
  37. var theta;
  38. var phi;
  39. // Pending changes
  40. var phiDelta = 0;
  41. var thetaDelta = 0;
  42. var scale = 1;
  43. var panOffset = new THREE.Vector3();
  44. var zoomChanged = false;
  45. // API
  46. this.getPolarAngle = function () {
  47. return phi;
  48. };
  49. this.getAzimuthalAngle = function () {
  50. return theta;
  51. };
  52. this.rotateLeft = function ( angle ) {
  53. thetaDelta -= angle;
  54. };
  55. this.rotateUp = function ( angle ) {
  56. phiDelta -= angle;
  57. };
  58. // pass in distance in world space to move left
  59. this.panLeft = function() {
  60. var v = new THREE.Vector3();
  61. return function panLeft ( distance ) {
  62. var te = this.object.matrix.elements;
  63. // get X column of matrix
  64. v.set( te[ 0 ], te[ 1 ], te[ 2 ] );
  65. v.multiplyScalar( - distance );
  66. panOffset.add( v );
  67. };
  68. }();
  69. // pass in distance in world space to move up
  70. this.panUp = function() {
  71. var v = new THREE.Vector3();
  72. return function panUp ( distance ) {
  73. var te = this.object.matrix.elements;
  74. // get Y column of matrix
  75. v.set( te[ 4 ], te[ 5 ], te[ 6 ] );
  76. v.multiplyScalar( distance );
  77. panOffset.add( v );
  78. };
  79. }();
  80. // pass in x,y of change desired in pixel space,
  81. // right and down are positive
  82. this.pan = function ( deltaX, deltaY, screenWidth, screenHeight ) {
  83. if ( scope.object instanceof THREE.PerspectiveCamera ) {
  84. // perspective
  85. var position = scope.object.position;
  86. var offset = position.clone().sub( );
  87. var targetDistance = offset.length();
  88. // half of the fov is center to top of screen
  89. targetDistance *= Math.tan( ( scope.object.fov / 2 ) * Math.PI / 180.0 );
  90. // we actually don't use screenWidth, since perspective camera is fixed to screen height
  91. scope.panLeft( 2 * deltaX * targetDistance / screenHeight );
  92. scope.panUp( 2 * deltaY * targetDistance / screenHeight );
  93. } else if ( scope.object instanceof THREE.OrthographicCamera ) {
  94. // orthographic
  95. scope.panLeft( deltaX * ( scope.object.right - scope.object.left ) / screenWidth );
  96. scope.panUp( deltaY * ( - scope.object.bottom ) / screenHeight );
  97. } else {
  98. // camera neither orthographic or perspective
  99. console.warn( 'WARNING: OrbitControls.js encountered an unknown camera type - pan disabled.' );
  100. }
  101. };
  102. this.dollyIn = function ( dollyScale ) {
  103. if ( scope.object instanceof THREE.PerspectiveCamera ) {
  104. scale /= dollyScale;
  105. } else if ( scope.object instanceof THREE.OrthographicCamera ) {
  106. scope.object.zoom = Math.max( this.minZoom, Math.min( this.maxZoom, this.object.zoom * dollyScale ) );
  107. scope.object.updateProjectionMatrix();
  108. zoomChanged = true;
  109. } else {
  110. console.warn( 'WARNING: OrbitControls.js encountered an unknown camera type - dolly/zoom disabled.' );
  111. }
  112. };
  113. this.dollyOut = function ( dollyScale ) {
  114. if ( scope.object instanceof THREE.PerspectiveCamera ) {
  115. scale *= dollyScale;
  116. } else if ( scope.object instanceof THREE.OrthographicCamera ) {
  117. scope.object.zoom = Math.max( this.minZoom, Math.min( this.maxZoom, this.object.zoom / dollyScale ) );
  118. scope.object.updateProjectionMatrix();
  119. zoomChanged = true;
  120. } else {
  121. console.warn( 'WARNING: OrbitControls.js encountered an unknown camera type - dolly/zoom disabled.' );
  122. }
  123. };
  124. this.update = function() {
  125. var offset = new THREE.Vector3();
  126. // so camera.up is the orbit axis
  127. var quat = new THREE.Quaternion().setFromUnitVectors( object.up, new THREE.Vector3( 0, 1, 0 ) );
  128. var quatInverse = quat.clone().inverse();
  129. var lastPosition = new THREE.Vector3();
  130. var lastQuaternion = new THREE.Quaternion();
  131. return function () {
  132. var position = this.object.position;
  133. offset.copy( position ).sub( );
  134. // rotate offset to "y-axis-is-up" space
  135. offset.applyQuaternion( quat );
  136. // angle from z-axis around y-axis
  137. theta = Math.atan2( offset.x, offset.z );
  138. // angle from y-axis
  139. phi = Math.atan2( Math.sqrt( offset.x * offset.x + offset.z * offset.z ), offset.y );
  140. theta += thetaDelta;
  141. phi += phiDelta;
  142. // restrict theta to be between desired limits
  143. theta = Math.max( this.minAzimuthAngle, Math.min( this.maxAzimuthAngle, theta ) );
  144. // restrict phi to be between desired limits
  145. phi = Math.max( this.minPolarAngle, Math.min( this.maxPolarAngle, phi ) );
  146. // restrict phi to be betwee EPS and PI-EPS
  147. phi = Math.max( EPS, Math.min( Math.PI - EPS, phi ) );
  148. var radius = offset.length() * scale;
  149. // restrict radius to be between desired limits
  150. radius = Math.max( this.minDistance, Math.min( this.maxDistance, radius ) );
  151. // move target to panned location
  152. panOffset );
  153. offset.x = radius * Math.sin( phi ) * Math.sin( theta );
  154. offset.y = radius * Math.cos( phi );
  155. offset.z = radius * Math.sin( phi ) * Math.cos( theta );
  156. // rotate offset back to "camera-up-vector-is-up" space
  157. offset.applyQuaternion( quatInverse );
  158. position.copy( ).add( offset );
  159. this.object.lookAt( );
  160. if ( this.staticMoving ) {
  161. thetaDelta = 0;
  162. phiDelta = 0;
  163. } else {
  164. thetaDelta *= ( 1 - this.dynamicDampingFactor );
  165. phiDelta *= ( 1 - this.dynamicDampingFactor );
  166. }
  167. scale = 1;
  168. panOffset.set( 0, 0, 0 );
  169. // update condition is:
  170. // min(camera displacement, camera rotation in radians)^2 > EPS
  171. // using small-angle approximation cos(x/2) = 1 - x^2 / 8
  172. if ( zoomChanged ||
  173. lastPosition.distanceToSquared( this.object.position ) > EPS ||
  174. 8 * ( 1 - this.object.quaternion ) ) > EPS ) {
  175. lastPosition.copy( this.object.position );
  176. lastQuaternion.copy( this.object.quaternion );
  177. zoomChanged = false;
  178. return true;
  179. }
  180. return false;
  181. };
  182. }();
  183. };
  184. // This set of controls performs orbiting, dollying (zooming), and panning. It maintains
  185. // the "up" direction as +Y, unlike the TrackballControls. Touch on tablet and phones is
  186. // supported.
  187. //
  188. // Orbit - left mouse / touch: one finger move
  189. // Zoom - middle mouse, or mousewheel / touch: two finger spread or squish
  190. // Pan - right mouse, or arrow keys / touch: three finter swipe
  191. THREE.OrbitControls = function ( object, domElement ) {
  192. var constraint = new OrbitConstraint( object );
  193. this.domElement = ( domElement !== undefined ) ? domElement : document;
  194. // API
  195. Object.defineProperty( this, 'constraint', {
  196. get: function() {
  197. return constraint;
  198. }
  199. } );
  200. this.getPolarAngle = function () {
  201. return constraint.phi;
  202. };
  203. this.getAzimuthalAngle = function () {
  204. return constraint.theta;
  205. };
  206. // Set to false to disable this control
  207. this.enabled = true;
  208. // center is old, deprecated; use "target" instead
  209. =;
  210. // This option actually enables dollying in and out; left as "zoom" for
  211. // backwards compatibility
  212. this.noZoom = false;
  213. this.zoomSpeed = 1.0;
  214. // Set to true to disable this control
  215. this.noRotate = false;
  216. this.rotateSpeed = 1.0;
  217. // Set to true to disable this control
  218. this.noPan = false;
  219. this.keyPanSpeed = 7.0; // pixels moved per arrow key push
  220. // Set to true to automatically rotate around the target
  221. this.autoRotate = false;
  222. this.autoRotateSpeed = 2.0; // 30 seconds per round when fps is 60
  223. // Set to true to disable use of the keys
  224. this.noKeys = false;
  225. // The four arrow keys
  226. this.keys = { LEFT: 37, UP: 38, RIGHT: 39, BOTTOM: 40 };
  227. // Mouse buttons
  229. ////////////
  230. // internals
  231. var scope = this;
  232. var rotateStart = new THREE.Vector2();
  233. var rotateEnd = new THREE.Vector2();
  234. var rotateDelta = new THREE.Vector2();
  235. var panStart = new THREE.Vector2();
  236. var panEnd = new THREE.Vector2();
  237. var panDelta = new THREE.Vector2();
  238. var dollyStart = new THREE.Vector2();
  239. var dollyEnd = new THREE.Vector2();
  240. var dollyDelta = new THREE.Vector2();
  241. var STATE = { NONE : - 1, ROTATE : 0, DOLLY : 1, PAN : 2, TOUCH_ROTATE : 3, TOUCH_DOLLY : 4, TOUCH_PAN : 5 };
  242. var state = STATE.NONE;
  243. // for reset
  244. this.target0 =;
  245. this.position0 = this.object.position.clone();
  246. this.zoom0 = this.object.zoom;
  247. // events
  248. var changeEvent = { type: 'change' };
  249. var startEvent = { type: 'start' };
  250. var endEvent = { type: 'end' };
  251. // pass in x,y of change desired in pixel space,
  252. // right and down are positive
  253. function pan( deltaX, deltaY ) {
  254. var element = scope.domElement === document ? scope.domElement.body : scope.domElement;
  255. constraint.pan( deltaX, deltaY, element.clientWidth, element.clientHeight );
  256. }
  257. this.update = function () {
  258. if ( this.autoRotate && state === STATE.NONE ) {
  259. constraint.rotateLeft( getAutoRotationAngle() );
  260. }
  261. if ( constraint.update() === true ) {
  262. this.dispatchEvent( changeEvent );
  263. }
  264. };
  265. this.reset = function () {
  266. state = STATE.NONE;
  267. this.target0 );
  268. this.object.position.copy( this.position0 );
  269. this.object.zoom = this.zoom0;
  270. this.object.updateProjectionMatrix();
  271. this.dispatchEvent( changeEvent );
  272. this.update();
  273. };
  274. function getAutoRotationAngle() {
  275. return 2 * Math.PI / 60 / 60 * scope.autoRotateSpeed;
  276. }
  277. function getZoomScale() {
  278. return Math.pow( 0.95, scope.zoomSpeed );
  279. }
  280. function onMouseDown( event ) {
  281. if ( scope.enabled === false ) return;
  282. event.preventDefault();
  283. if ( event.button === scope.mouseButtons.ORBIT ) {
  284. if ( scope.noRotate === true ) return;
  285. state = STATE.ROTATE;
  286. rotateStart.set( event.clientX, event.clientY );
  287. } else if ( event.button === scope.mouseButtons.ZOOM ) {
  288. if ( scope.noZoom === true ) return;
  289. state = STATE.DOLLY;
  290. dollyStart.set( event.clientX, event.clientY );
  291. } else if ( event.button === scope.mouseButtons.PAN ) {
  292. if ( scope.noPan === true ) return;
  293. state = STATE.PAN;
  294. panStart.set( event.clientX, event.clientY );
  295. }
  296. if ( state !== STATE.NONE ) {
  297. document.addEventListener( 'mousemove', onMouseMove, false );
  298. document.addEventListener( 'mouseup', onMouseUp, false );
  299. scope.dispatchEvent( startEvent );
  300. }
  301. }
  302. function onMouseMove( event ) {
  303. if ( scope.enabled === false ) return;
  304. event.preventDefault();
  305. var element = scope.domElement === document ? scope.domElement.body : scope.domElement;
  306. if ( state === STATE.ROTATE ) {
  307. if ( scope.noRotate === true ) return;
  308. rotateEnd.set( event.clientX, event.clientY );
  309. rotateDelta.subVectors( rotateEnd, rotateStart );
  310. // rotating across whole screen goes 360 degrees around
  311. constraint.rotateLeft( 2 * Math.PI * rotateDelta.x / element.clientWidth * scope.rotateSpeed );
  312. // rotating up and down along whole screen attempts to go 360, but limited to 180
  313. constraint.rotateUp( 2 * Math.PI * rotateDelta.y / element.clientHeight * scope.rotateSpeed );
  314. rotateStart.copy( rotateEnd );
  315. } else if ( state === STATE.DOLLY ) {
  316. if ( scope.noZoom === true ) return;
  317. dollyEnd.set( event.clientX, event.clientY );
  318. dollyDelta.subVectors( dollyEnd, dollyStart );
  319. if ( dollyDelta.y > 0 ) {
  320. constraint.dollyIn( getZoomScale() );
  321. } else if ( dollyDelta.y < 0 ) {
  322. constraint.dollyOut( getZoomScale() );
  323. }
  324. dollyStart.copy( dollyEnd );
  325. } else if ( state === STATE.PAN ) {
  326. if ( scope.noPan === true ) return;
  327. panEnd.set( event.clientX, event.clientY );
  328. panDelta.subVectors( panEnd, panStart );
  329. pan( panDelta.x, panDelta.y );
  330. panStart.copy( panEnd );
  331. }
  332. if ( state !== STATE.NONE ) scope.update();
  333. }
  334. function onMouseUp( /* event */ ) {
  335. if ( scope.enabled === false ) return;
  336. document.removeEventListener( 'mousemove', onMouseMove, false );
  337. document.removeEventListener( 'mouseup', onMouseUp, false );
  338. scope.dispatchEvent( endEvent );
  339. state = STATE.NONE;
  340. }
  341. function onMouseWheel( event ) {
  342. if ( scope.enabled === false || scope.noZoom === true || state !== STATE.NONE ) return;
  343. event.preventDefault();
  344. event.stopPropagation();
  345. var delta = 0;
  346. if ( event.wheelDelta !== undefined ) {
  347. // WebKit / Opera / Explorer 9
  348. delta = event.wheelDelta;
  349. } else if ( event.detail !== undefined ) {
  350. // Firefox
  351. delta = - event.detail;
  352. }
  353. if ( delta > 0 ) {
  354. constraint.dollyOut( getZoomScale() );
  355. } else if ( delta < 0 ) {
  356. constraint.dollyIn( getZoomScale() );
  357. }
  358. scope.update();
  359. scope.dispatchEvent( startEvent );
  360. scope.dispatchEvent( endEvent );
  361. }
  362. function onKeyDown( event ) {
  363. if ( scope.enabled === false || scope.noKeys === true || scope.noPan === true ) return;
  364. switch ( event.keyCode ) {
  365. case scope.keys.UP:
  366. pan( 0, scope.keyPanSpeed );
  367. scope.update();
  368. break;
  369. case scope.keys.BOTTOM:
  370. pan( 0, - scope.keyPanSpeed );
  371. scope.update();
  372. break;
  373. case scope.keys.LEFT:
  374. pan( scope.keyPanSpeed, 0 );
  375. scope.update();
  376. break;
  377. case scope.keys.RIGHT:
  378. pan( - scope.keyPanSpeed, 0 );
  379. scope.update();
  380. break;
  381. }
  382. }
  383. function touchstart( event ) {
  384. if ( scope.enabled === false ) return;
  385. switch ( event.touches.length ) {
  386. case 1: // one-fingered touch: rotate
  387. if ( scope.noRotate === true ) return;
  388. state = STATE.TOUCH_ROTATE;
  389. rotateStart.set( event.touches[ 0 ].pageX, event.touches[ 0 ].pageY );
  390. break;
  391. case 2: // two-fingered touch: dolly
  392. if ( scope.noZoom === true ) return;
  393. state = STATE.TOUCH_DOLLY;
  394. var dx = event.touches[ 0 ].pageX - event.touches[ 1 ].pageX;
  395. var dy = event.touches[ 0 ].pageY - event.touches[ 1 ].pageY;
  396. var distance = Math.sqrt( dx * dx + dy * dy );
  397. dollyStart.set( 0, distance );
  398. break;
  399. case 3: // three-fingered touch: pan
  400. if ( scope.noPan === true ) return;
  401. state = STATE.TOUCH_PAN;
  402. panStart.set( event.touches[ 0 ].pageX, event.touches[ 0 ].pageY );
  403. break;
  404. default:
  405. state = STATE.NONE;
  406. }
  407. if ( state !== STATE.NONE ) scope.dispatchEvent( startEvent );
  408. }
  409. function touchmove( event ) {
  410. if ( scope.enabled === false ) return;
  411. event.preventDefault();
  412. event.stopPropagation();
  413. var element = scope.domElement === document ? scope.domElement.body : scope.domElement;
  414. switch ( event.touches.length ) {
  415. case 1: // one-fingered touch: rotate
  416. if ( scope.noRotate === true ) return;
  417. if ( state !== STATE.TOUCH_ROTATE ) return;
  418. rotateEnd.set( event.touches[ 0 ].pageX, event.touches[ 0 ].pageY );
  419. rotateDelta.subVectors( rotateEnd, rotateStart );
  420. // rotating across whole screen goes 360 degrees around
  421. constraint.rotateLeft( 2 * Math.PI * rotateDelta.x / element.clientWidth * scope.rotateSpeed );
  422. // rotating up and down along whole screen attempts to go 360, but limited to 180
  423. constraint.rotateUp( 2 * Math.PI * rotateDelta.y / element.clientHeight * scope.rotateSpeed );
  424. rotateStart.copy( rotateEnd );
  425. scope.update();
  426. break;
  427. case 2: // two-fingered touch: dolly
  428. if ( scope.noZoom === true ) return;
  429. if ( state !== STATE.TOUCH_DOLLY ) return;
  430. var dx = event.touches[ 0 ].pageX - event.touches[ 1 ].pageX;
  431. var dy = event.touches[ 0 ].pageY - event.touches[ 1 ].pageY;
  432. var distance = Math.sqrt( dx * dx + dy * dy );
  433. dollyEnd.set( 0, distance );
  434. dollyDelta.subVectors( dollyEnd, dollyStart );
  435. if ( dollyDelta.y > 0 ) {
  436. constraint.dollyOut( getZoomScale() );
  437. } else if ( dollyDelta.y < 0 ) {
  438. constraint.dollyIn( getZoomScale() );
  439. }
  440. dollyStart.copy( dollyEnd );
  441. scope.update();
  442. break;
  443. case 3: // three-fingered touch: pan
  444. if ( scope.noPan === true ) return;
  445. if ( state !== STATE.TOUCH_PAN ) return;
  446. panEnd.set( event.touches[ 0 ].pageX, event.touches[ 0 ].pageY );
  447. panDelta.subVectors( panEnd, panStart );
  448. pan( panDelta.x, panDelta.y );
  449. panStart.copy( panEnd );
  450. scope.update();
  451. break;
  452. default:
  453. state = STATE.NONE;
  454. }
  455. }
  456. function touchend( /* event */ ) {
  457. if ( scope.enabled === false ) return;
  458. scope.dispatchEvent( endEvent );
  459. state = STATE.NONE;
  460. }
  461. function contextmenu( event ) {
  462. event.preventDefault();
  463. }
  464. this.dispose = function() {
  465. this.domElement.removeEventListener( 'contextmenu', contextmenu, false );
  466. this.domElement.removeEventListener( 'mousedown', onMouseDown, false );
  467. this.domElement.removeEventListener( 'mousewheel', onMouseWheel, false );
  468. this.domElement.removeEventListener( 'DOMMouseScroll', onMouseWheel, false ); // firefox
  469. this.domElement.removeEventListener( 'touchstart', touchstart, false );
  470. this.domElement.removeEventListener( 'touchend', touchend, false );
  471. this.domElement.removeEventListener( 'touchmove', touchmove, false );
  472. document.removeEventListener( 'mousemove', onMouseMove, false );
  473. document.removeEventListener( 'mouseup', onMouseUp, false );
  474. window.removeEventListener( 'keydown', onKeyDown, false );
  475. }
  476. this.domElement.addEventListener( 'contextmenu', contextmenu, false );
  477. this.domElement.addEventListener( 'mousedown', onMouseDown, false );
  478. this.domElement.addEventListener( 'mousewheel', onMouseWheel, false );
  479. this.domElement.addEventListener( 'DOMMouseScroll', onMouseWheel, false ); // firefox
  480. this.domElement.addEventListener( 'touchstart', touchstart, false );
  481. this.domElement.addEventListener( 'touchend', touchend, false );
  482. this.domElement.addEventListener( 'touchmove', touchmove, false );
  483. window.addEventListener( 'keydown', onKeyDown, false );
  484. // force an update at start
  485. this.update();
  486. };
  487. THREE.OrbitControls.prototype = Object.create( THREE.EventDispatcher.prototype );
  488. THREE.OrbitControls.prototype.constructor = THREE.OrbitControls;
  489. Object.defineProperties( THREE.OrbitControls.prototype, {
  490. object: {
  491. get: function () {
  492. return this.constraint.object;
  493. }
  494. },
  495. target: {
  496. get: function () {
  497. return;
  498. },
  499. set: function ( value ) {
  500. console.warn( 'THREE.OrbitControls: target is now immutable. Use target.set() instead.' );
  501. value );
  502. }
  503. },
  504. minDistance : {
  505. get: function () {
  506. return this.constraint.minDistance;
  507. },
  508. set: function ( value ) {
  509. this.constraint.minDistance = value;
  510. }
  511. },
  512. maxDistance : {
  513. get: function () {
  514. return this.constraint.maxDistance;
  515. },
  516. set: function ( value ) {
  517. this.constraint.maxDistance = value;
  518. }
  519. },
  520. minZoom : {
  521. get: function () {
  522. return this.constraint.minZoom;
  523. },
  524. set: function ( value ) {
  525. this.constraint.minZoom = value;
  526. }
  527. },
  528. maxZoom : {
  529. get: function () {
  530. return this.constraint.maxZoom;
  531. },
  532. set: function ( value ) {
  533. this.constraint.maxZoom = value;
  534. }
  535. },
  536. minPolarAngle : {
  537. get: function () {
  538. return this.constraint.minPolarAngle;
  539. },
  540. set: function ( value ) {
  541. this.constraint.minPolarAngle = value;
  542. }
  543. },
  544. maxPolarAngle : {
  545. get: function () {
  546. return this.constraint.maxPolarAngle;
  547. },
  548. set: function ( value ) {
  549. this.constraint.maxPolarAngle = value;
  550. }
  551. },
  552. minAzimuthAngle : {
  553. get: function () {
  554. return this.constraint.minAzimuthAngle;
  555. },
  556. set: function ( value ) {
  557. this.constraint.minAzimuthAngle = value;
  558. }
  559. },
  560. maxAzimuthAngle : {
  561. get: function () {
  562. return this.constraint.maxAzimuthAngle;
  563. },
  564. set: function ( value ) {
  565. this.constraint.maxAzimuthAngle = value;
  566. }
  567. },
  568. staticMoving : {
  569. get: function () {
  570. return this.constraint.staticMoving;
  571. },
  572. set: function ( value ) {
  573. this.constraint.staticMoving = value;
  574. }
  575. },
  576. dynamicDampingFactor : {
  577. get: function () {
  578. return this.constraint.dynamicDampingFactor;
  579. },
  580. set: function ( value ) {
  581. this.constraint.dynamicDampingFactor = value;
  582. }
  583. }
  584. } );
  585. }() );